Writing Program Office Policies

The Writing Center, 100 Bay State Road, Third Floor, hosts faculty and administrative offices as well as photocopiers, a kitchen, a conference room, and space for faculty or tutors to meet with students.

Offices and Phone

Writing Program offices at 100 Bay State Road are assigned to full-time lecturers and part-time lecturers teaching in the current semester. All offices are shared; all have telephones and one networked computer. Departmental faculty teaching in the Writing Program maintain offices in their home departments and need not meet students in the center.

Graduate Writing Fellows and Teaching Fellows are welcome to use the common areas of the center (100 Bay State Road, 3rd floor) to hold student conferences including the Meeting Room next to the tutoring studio that is reserved for faculty use. Each department should make available a space, if not an office, where graduate students can comfortably meet with students and prepare for class.


Mail addressed to you at CAS Writing Program, 100 Bay State Road, 3rd floor, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 will be placed in your mailbox in the office (located in the Writers’ Studio room) if you are a full-time or part-time lecturer. Hard copy communications from the Writing Program will also be distributed to your box, as will any campus communications, such as memos from the Dean’s office. Please retrieve your mail regularly.

CAS departmental faculty and graduate student instructors will have hard copy communications delivered to their campus addresses and will not have Writing Program office mailboxes.

For privacy reasons, you are discouraged from using your mailbox to collect student papers; you are prohibited from using your mailbox to return student papers (FERPA violation).

Photocopying in the Writing Center

If you are teaching a course in the Writing Program, the photocopier in the Copy Room is available to you. You will need to enter your copier code (the last 4 digits of your BU ID). Photocopying is for the exclusive purpose of your classroom or tutorial work and should be kept to a minimum. Copy allocations for the semester are 50 copies per student. For example, if you teach two sections of WR 120, your allocation is 50 copies x 18 students x 2 sections, or 1,800 copies total. Calculations are based on the following enrollment caps: WR 111 (15 students), WR 112 (15), WR 120 (18), WR 120 ELL (16), and WR 15x (17).

Please abide by U.S. copyright laws when copying, scanning or printing. Note that the scanner on the photocopier in the copyroom works very quickly and easily (scanning instructions).