Friday, January 21, 3:30 pm.

In this interactive presentation, we will discuss insights, strategies, and applications for Critical Language Awareness (CLA) Pedagogy as an approach to working with linguistically diverse writing classes. We will first review the central values and principles of CLA Pedagogy as a framework, focusing on how this approach helps us to be both progressive and pragmatic our approach to language difference. Next, we will consider how CLA can shape many aspects of our writing instruction, such as designing courses and assignments, scaffolding reading and writing processes, and responding to student writing.  We will conclude by touching on some of the thornier issues that CLA can help us navigate, including inclusion in class discussion and plagiarism/academic honesty. Participants will come away with a more complete toolkit for working effectively and equitably with students from all language backgrounds.


Videos and slides for both the talk and workshop available here (BU login required).