Undergraduate writing consultants facilitate one-on-one writing consultations that are devoted to helping students in WR courses become more confident and independent writers. Consultants confer with students on a variety of issues related to the writing process, including (but not limited to) assignment and topic clarification; thesis development and organization; the use of reasons and evidence in support of arguments; acknowledgment and response structures; and sentence-level issues, including grammar, mechanics, punctuation, and usage. They also assist students with alternate genre writing assignments that are assigned in WR 120 courses and with non-writing projects that are assigned in 15X WR courses, including oral/signed, digital/multimedia, and creativity/innovation projects. They also support multilingual students in WR 111 and 112 courses, and upper-level students in WR 318, 320, and 415.

While consultants are strong and capable writers, their role is not as an editor or proofreader. Instead, the fundamental orientation of the consultant is as a sounding board—a person who can recognize potential problem areas, ask questions, and offer sensitive feedback that can enable student writers to come to their own decisions about their writing.

In addition to hiring strong writers and communicators, the CAS Writing Center seeks to cultivate a community of writing consultants who reflect the larger diversity of BU’s undergraduate population. We are particularly eager for BIPOC, multilingual, international, and first-generation students to apply, as these students can provide invaluable support to their peers from similar backgrounds. We also strongly encourage students from other underrepresented or marginalized identities to apply; the Writing Center strives to be a space that is inclusive for all students.


An important part of training for this position happens when students complete their First-Year Writing Seminar and Writing, Research, & Inquiry Hub Units. New consultants must have completed both of these Hub Units, as well as two full semesters of coursework, by August 31, 2025. The only exception to this policy is for transfer students, who need to have received the equivalent transfer credits by the same date.

All writing consultants are required to participate in a one-day paid orientation held at the beginning of the fall semester. This year’s Orientation will be held in person on Saturday September 6, 2025 from approximately 9:00 AM-3:00 PM. New consultants also collaborate with experienced consultants, and receive mentoring from Jake Burg, Associate Director for the Writing Center, and Amy Bennett-Zendzian, Writing Center Coordinator.

In addition, new consultants will take the 2-credit WR 599: Tutoring in the Global University. This course prepares consultants to provide specialized support to ELL and multilingual students, and to work with all students on academic writing assignments as well as alternate genre, oral/signed, digital/multimedia, and creativity/innovation projects. WR 599 is scheduled to meet in the Fall 2025 semester on Mondays 3:35-4:50 PM.

Pay & Other Job Information

Undergraduate writing consultants are paid a starting wage of $16.75 per hour. Consultants typically work in the CAS Writing Center for an average of 5-6 hours each week.

We offer the majority of our appointments in person in the Writers’ Studio, located on the third floor of 100 Bay State Road (the Yawkey Center for Student Services). We also offer some appointments remotely, and consultants holding remote appointments can work from any quiet location. Generally speaking, new consultants should expect to work at least their first semester fully in person, so they have the opportunity to learn from experienced consultants and get support from Writing Center staff. If a new consultant needs to work remotely on occasion during their first semester due to a health condition or another need, they can discuss this with their supervisors during the scheduling process.

Deadlines and Application Information

Applications should be submitted through the Student Employment Job Board by Monday April 7, 2025 to work in the Writing Center during the 2024-2025 academic year. References are due on Friday April 11, 2025. While we will contact your references directly once we receive your application, we encourage you to remind your references of this deadline as well.

We will reach out to top candidates in mid-April to schedule interviews in late April and early May. We expect to make our final decisions and notify candidates in mid-May.

Please contact Jake Burg, Associate Director for the Writing Center, at burg@bu.edu with any questions.