• Sarah Sherman-Stokes

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There are 7 comments on POV: Enlisting State Police to Enforce Immigration Law a Mistake

  1. Cooperation among all law enforcement agencies is necessary. While enforcing federal immigration law may not be a PRIMARY objective of the state police nevertheless they may complement homeland security enforcement.

    Under Obama, the fewest number of illegal aliens have been removed from the country since President Gerald Ford (1974-1977). There are still an estimated 11-12 million illegals.

    It is true that since the Great Recession of 2007-2009, illegal immigration to the United States has slowed down from its peak around 2005. But this does not mean illegal immigration is still not a problem. According to estimates, the illegal alien population has remained statistically unchanged under President Obama, and may actually have begun to increase again (Pew, September 2013).

  2. Actually, as the article claims, the immigration laws are neither logical nor obvious — that’s why there are immigration lawyers to sort out the complex issues. Whether someone is an American citizen may not even be obvious to the person whose immigration status is in question, but we don’t deport American citizens based on their lack of knowledge of the law or their immigration status. Immigration lawyers are the ones who should be involved in helping to determine a person’s immigration status. The police are not capable of making any reasonable determination of a person’s status, so what help can they provide in this matter? I think the answer is none.

  3. Obama has made it difficult for ICE to do their Jobs by enacting executive action edicts
    As a result more criminal illegals are let go
    American citizens have to obey us laws but they don’t
    The number of deportations are low
    The cost of not going after illegals is high

  4. Guns = bad

    Uncontrolled mass migration = good

    Nice to know where BU today on the side of rationality. Because it’s working so well for Europe right now, why not here?

  5. This unilateral direction from Gov. Baker is an effectively backhanded way of giving police the power to demand any citizen they stop to produce identification or face detention, a power that has not been democratically granted to them by the MA legislature. Even producing a valid ID to an officer still leaves them the discretion to detain and search for no articulable cause other than suspicion of being illegal (“I think that ID might be fake, ‘citizen’, I need to cuff you for a pat-down”). Has there ever been a single instance of the police being given power like this and then not exploiting the heck out of it?

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