• Sandro Galea

    Sandro Galea is the Robert A. Knox Professor and dean of the BU School of Public Health. He can be reached at sgalea@bu.edu. Follow him on Twitter: @sandrogalea. Profile

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There is 1 comment on 2020: The Great American Trauma

  1. How about we work on root causes, i.e., on eliminating sources of pandemics such as factory farming and wet markets? We got really lucky with pandemic this time around, according to the experts, as it is a dress rehearsal of much more potent ones coming our way unless we dramatically change the system/food production. A side effect of eliminating factory farming would be considerable reduction of pollution that significantly contributes to a climate change, a single most important threat to humanity yet. We shall simultaneously work on other crucial issues such as criminal justice reform including gun control, eradicating poverty and reduce income inequality, Let’s get to work.

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