• Jessica Colarossi

    Science Writer Twitter Profile

    Photo of Jessica Colarossi. A white woman with long, straight brown hair and wearing a black and green paisley blouse smiles and poses in front of a dark grey background.

    Jessica Colarossi is a science writer for The Brink. She graduated with a BS in journalism from Emerson College in 2016, with focuses on environmental studies and publishing. While a student, she interned at ThinkProgress in Washington, D.C., where she wrote over 30 stories, most of them relating to climate change, coral reefs, and women’s health. Profile

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There are 14 comments on White Sharks Are Here to Stay in New England

  1. Is there any research on how the population of seals on Cape cod are also attracting Killer whales?
    Is there a breaking point, when seal populations grow so large, the whales move to this area permanently ?
    What would this mean for the Great white’s ability to live here?

  2. Very informative article! Especially about the Great White’s ability to raise its body body temperature. I wonder if a few steel arenas, of say 1,000’wide by 30′ out, would satisfy the average waders/swimmers, while protecting them? I’ve seen similar made from a type of netting, at Bay beaches on Long Island, decades ago. Might be a little pricey but solve all the problems……for Humans and Sharks!

    Keep up the excellent reporting!

  3. Ridiculously biased and unscientific. How do these so-called shark experts know that a shark attack is a mistake? Tell that to the families of the sailors on the USS Indianapolis a WW2 Navy ship that was torpedoed and sunk by the Japanese.

    Eugene Morgan, Boatswain’s Mate Second Class remembers, “All the time, the sharks never let up. We had a cargo net that had Styrofoam things attached to keep it afloat. There were about 15 sailors on this, and suddenly, 10 sharks hit it and there was nothing left. THIS WENT ON AND ON.” Only 316 sailors out of 1000 stranded in the ocean survived making it the deadliest shark attack in history.

    I guess this was a “mistake” by the sharks??

    Our inshore waters are over-run by an exploding population of disease carrying gray seals (avian flu) and by their dangerous predators, Great White sharks that have infested our recreational beaches and are gravely endangering public health and safety.

    1. Hi John, thanks for your comment, I do want to point out that the species involved in the attack on USS Indianapolis soldiers was believed to be the oceanic whitetip, a different species from the white shark discussed in this story. It seems from the reports as the though the extremely tragic and unique circumstances attracted the whitetips to the group of injured and dying men. More info: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-worst-shark-attack-in-history-25715092/

      1. Hi Kat,

        Researchers admit that the great white shark is present in all of the oceans and some of the seas as well. The majority of human deaths from shark attack are from great whites, then tiger sharks followed by bull sharks in that order. Sharks have been observed stalking humans in the water and in small rafts as prey, as was experienced by stranded people from ship sinking and plane crashes as witnessed by WWII survivor Louis Zamperini during his 72 day survival ordeal in the Pacific Ocean after crashing his aircraft.
        Sharks don’t mistake, they prey… period.


      2. I’ve also heard that we’ve learned since that a lot of the “attacks” were exaggerated/became a WW2 myth of sorts.
        Mostly it was the dead they fed off of.
        While they’re were some attacks on the living you were in far more danger from the elements and your fellow sailors.
        There was a pretty amazing video on YouTube where they were interviewing people who were there and the sharks didn’t get mentioned nearly as much as being coated with oil , dehydration, etc.
        You should read the book Indianapolis.
        It was pretty unreal how many sailors were killing each OTHER (and worse). :-o

  4. It’s a tenuous truce. In other places where great whites congregate, notably Western Australia, some frightened citizens are now calling for great white shark populations to be culled. Here, in this famous resort area–with its windsurfers, paddlers, and swimmers–only time will tell if the most feared species can cohabi 00006000 tate with other summer visitors.

  5. Great white sharks have always been in coastal waters on the New England coast. Do any research and you will find them hanging at countless fish piers and docks up to 200 years ago. While there may be “more” this fascination exists only because of people’s access to media and published information that is out there now. I find it fascinating that these people “care” so much about this subject because the media can’t stop talking about it. I can’t wait for the transient up scale cape codders to demand that something be done about them and the seals so their precious little kids may visit the beach with their babysitters and be safe. Let’s be serious here I don’t want to go into the coffee shop and listen to some idiot spout off about whites because now they have an “interest” because they saw some half wit reporter talk about it on the news!

  6. The ocean is the sharks’ house. Just like if an unwanted intruder entered mine in Texas, I’m blasting them! But sharks “blast” with their teeth. That’s why I don’t like swimming in the ocean and prefer my swimming pool at home.

  7. I’m an environmentalist but this is the one issue I cannot get on board with. It’s not uncommon to see Cape Cod beaches deserted because of these sharks. Lighthouse beach in Chatam was one of the first examples. Such a gorgeous beach—possibly one of the finest in the country—but the water might as well be toxic. Hardly anyone dares go in.

    If there isn’t already, soon there will be over 1000 sharks in a 50 mile radius. Is everyone flying to the Caribbean for their vacations better for the environment? Is this really better for the fish populations? Humans have hunted and harvested seals for thousands of years, but do we feel better killing Orangutans around the world for palm oil?

    I understand the global GW population is vulnerable but I don’t see why Cape Cod should try and rack up the numbers so no one else has to deal with their problem.

    Save Cape Cod

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