• Sarah Sherman-Stokes

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There are 4 comments on POV: Supreme Court Rules That over 400,000 Immigrants are Ineligible to Permanently Remain in United States

  1. Absolutely aweful decision. After being here so long in my opinion they are americans. Most of these people work jobs most americans wont and they do it with pride. Its a shame to turn our backs on them considering the services they do and the work they put in for the chance at a better life. If the shoe were on ur foot i guarantee those calling this a good decision would be crying n begging to stay with their loved ones and families n not be ripped away from the lives they worked hard to build. I do not understand this aweful way of thinking the previous administration built in our lower educated communities where if ur not from here u should leave. Its absolutely disgusting to call yourself a human yet alone an American yet have no compassion for those that do their best to earn their keep and have built good lives and families jus because ur uneducated or bitter and wanna think narrow mindedly. This is a great nation and i dont blame people from aweful countries wishing to be here. And i have no issue with thise who earn their keep and dont go out commiting aweful crimes like these extremests from the right who are American and go out n do mass shootings n everything else. Id take an illegal who works hard and is kind over a nut job who wishes violence on others for being different.

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