B.U. Bridge
SFA's Two Shakespearean Actors at the BU Theatre Mainstage, December 13 through 17

Vol. IV No. 16   ·   8 December 2000 

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A still-stirring mouse
Poll finds every day's the season for online shopping

Online shopping: no looking for a parking spot, no crowded stores, no rude store clerks, no waiting for wrapping. It's taking all the fun out of Christmas. - Jim Mullen's Hot Sheet, Entertainment Weekly, December 8

Grant for imaging machine holds promise for cancer research


Emotional first aid
Healing the horror in a campus crisis

Think of posttraumatic stress disorder, and images of shell-shocked war veterans trembling in the night may spring to mind. But the syndrome turns up in civilian life, too. Anywhere that horrific events occur, witnesses can be anguished long after the ambulances speed away and the police tape is torn from the scene.

BU's economic punch soft in the tough 1930s

Coming in from the Cold War
Authors recount toll of imprisonment, joy of reunion

New fellowships a coup for IR master's program

What's hot on the BU Web

Health Matters

Ask the Bridge

BU Books of 2000

ARTS - No holds Bard
SFA examines Two Shakespearean Actors and their deadly rivalry

Who's the leader of the band?

Splash down!

Concerto for Violin and Strings





8 December 2000
Boston University
Office of University Relations