B.U. Bridge
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Vol. IV No. 17   ·   15 December 2000 

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Teen activists take message of hope back to communities

One teenager dreams of taking poor Appalachian children to a science museum. Another hopes to end hunger in his town. Still another wants to build trust among diverse ethnic groups at her high school.

It's a good thing
Ryan Library to foster SED's moral mission

The art of compromise
Students' virtual pollutant treaty mirrors later United Nations accord

There were no fistfights or chairs thrown. Not one diplomat stormed out of the building. No one took off his shoe and banged it repeatedly on a table. Tensions did run high, and there was plenty of finger-pointing. But in the end they got the job done: a treaty that all the negotiators could live with.

Solar eclipse a rare Yuletide gift

The cause of a solar eclipse is no mystery to scientists today. That doesn't mean they're not filled with wonder...

SAR students talk tofu on Nutrition Awareness Day

Thurman Center director shares broad view of race relations

The best-loved cookies of BU

Health Matters

Ask the Bridge

BU Books of 2000


Emergency Closing Announcements

ARTS - Distinguishing marks
North American Print Biennial highlights a semester of impressive impressions

Holiday wrap-up

Star of the Stairway

Rhett read-along





15 December 2000
Boston University
Office of University Relations