B.U. Bridge
COM's Great Debate: Should the U.S. Pay Reparations for Slavery? on Wednesday, November 7, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., at the Tsai Performance Center
Week of  2 November 2001 · Vol. V, No. 12

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Student offers cautionary tips to plastic-carrying peers

By Hope Green
Each fall, as predictably as geese fly south, credit card marketers flock to city sidewalks and peddle plastic to unwary college students. The sales pitch, luring prospective customers with free T-shirts, Frisbees, and phone cards just for signing up, can be irresistible. It's also inescapable: credit card offers appear in everything from Internet pop-up ads to magazine blow-in cards.

The sun also ices
The Little Ice Age: how climate influenced
history, 1300-1850

By Brian Fitzgerald
It was a refreshingly cool subject on an unseasonably warm day. On October 24, when the temperature hit 80 degrees, renowned archaeologist Brian Fagan, a professor at the University of California at Santa Barbara, talked about chillier times: the Little Ice Age, a cold snap that lasted roughly from a.d. 1300 until as recently as 1850.

MED fosters family medicine program in Vietnam

By David J. Craig
If someone from a poor, rural family being treated at one of Vietnam's state-owned commune health centers is fortunate enough to see a doctor rather than a midwife, a nurse, or a physician's assistant, that doctor is likely to have received no postgraduate medical education or residency training.

Gold World Medal
COM prof cops top award for film on unique haven for the disabled

By Brian Fitzgerald
Directing documentaries isn't exactly filmmaker Charles Merzbacher's cup of tea. He is used to making dramatic and comedic films. For example, his first feature, Jane Street, is a chaotic comedy about a man and two attractive women squatting in a vacant Manhattan apartment.

Bird's Eye View

Waiting for the fall

Eastern Sprints Champions

Rhett / Superman





2 November 2001
Boston University
Office of University Relations