Anaglyphic Comet
Anaglyphic Random Dot Stereogram
Anamorphic/Kaleidoscopic/wagon wheel image: (Needs Flash 4.0 plug-in)
The anamorphic image is entitled "Portrait of a Standing Man" by the 17th century Scandinavian artist Johann Konig. Use a cylindrical mirror to examine both anamorphic and kaleidoscopic effects. Change speeds to see the wagon wheel illusion.
Anamorphic Image: PC and Solaris only - needs Java 1.3 plug-in.
Angular Resolution
Fading Dot Illusion - Second version
Flashing Junction Illusion
Fraser's Spiral
Leviant's Apparent Motion Illusion
Pulfrich Phenomenon v.1.0 - 1 pendulum and 2 pendulums
Pulfrich Phenomenon v.1.1 - 1 pendulum and 2 pendulums (be sure to turn on your speakers for 2 pendulums)
Pulfrich Phenomenon - explanation applet
Rinsing Illusion
Rotational Waterfall Illusion (Needs Flash 4.0 Plug-in)
Stationary Camouflage Illusion - white and color versions
Stereokinetic Effect 1 (Needs Flash 4.0 plug-in) - the image is the Rotorelief entitled "Corolles" by Marcel Duchamp.
Stereokinetic Effect 2 (Needs Flash 4.0 plug-in) - image from The Art and Science of Visual Illusions by Nicholas Wade.
Stroboscope (White) - Large, Small, Vertical, and Horizontal applets.
Stroboscope (Green) - Large, Small, Vertical, and Horizontal applets.
Stroboscope (Red) - Large, Small, Vertical, and Horizontal applets.
Wagon Wheel Illusion (Needs Flash 4.0 plug-in) - image from The Art and Science of Visual Illusions by Nicholas Wade.
Waterfall Illusion (Note: 1.1 AWT located here)