Sargent Choice Food

How do you get thousands of people to choose healthier food options? We realized from the start that Sargent Choice foods would have to satisfy all these criteria:


Our menus are based on the latest government guidelines on healthy eating. These evidence-based recommendations promote health and reduce the risk of major chronic diseases linked to poor diet.

Following these guidelines, we substitute whole grains for refined grains, and unsaturated fats for saturated and trans fats. Our recipes include more fruits and vegetables, and we serve heart-healthy fish, poultry, meat and beans. We use flavorful cooking techniques like roasting and grilling, and boost taste by adding chef-selected herbs and spices so you won’t miss the salt. We also combine ingredients that help you feel full longer. When you take a bite, you won’t notice the improvement in nutritional content—just the great texture and flavor.


To earn a Sargent Choice label, a recipe can’t simply taste better than most “health foods.” It must be every bit as delicious as the other food choices you can make. Keep in mind that some foods, such as whole wheat pasta, may be unfamiliar to you. Once you become accustomed to the slightly different flavor, you’re likely to prefer the taste of our more nutritious version.

After a new recipe passes the taste test of our own chefs and registered dietitians, we ask students how they like it. Most new items get rave reviews. Many people ask for our recipes, which we’re happy to share. And we always welcome feedback. Want to send us a comment on a Sargent Choice item right now?


No need to go out of your way for Sargent Choice foods. They’re available for breakfast, lunch and dinner at all residence dining halls on Boston University’s Charles River Campus. You’ll find them at every food station—hot entrée, pizza, soup, salad, sandwich, pasta, omelet and dessert—all identified by a sign or wrapper with the Sargent Choice logo. They’re also offered at campus retail dining locations: the GSU Food Court, FitRec Center, and other locations.


Boredom is the enemy of eating well. So we offer a wide range of foods and rotate our recipes and continually develop new ones. We currently have hundreds of different menu items in our repertoire, changing with the seasons, and we’re adding new offerings all the time. Better try that shrimp & mango salad today. It might be gone tomorrow.