Who Needs Sargent Choice?

Sargent Choice foods aren’t just for people who want a healthy weight. They’re also for people who want to improve their tennis game … or their grades.

Would you like to have more energy? Better concentration? Feel less hungry between meals? Feel better about yourself?

Very simply, everyone who eats can benefit from eating well. But we’re especially interested in helping young adults establish healthy eating habits. If you’re a student, consider all these reasons to reach for Sargent Choice.

Managing a Healthy Weight

If you’re concerned about the typical “freshman 15,” you’re in good company. An estimated 30–40% of college students are overweight. Up to half of all college women and a growing number of college men report some type of unhealthy weight control practices. Even more are likely to feel conflicted or guilty at times about the foods they eat.

Sargent Choice foods and education programs can help you address your weight concerns. But more importantly, our menus and programs can help you develop preferences, skills and knowledge to set yourself up for a healthy relationship with food your whole life through.

Feeling Good, Body & Mind

Did you know a healthy diet can actually help improve your mood, self-image and academic performance? Yes, Sargent Choice really is brain food.

And the smarter you are about nutrition, the brainier you can feel. For instance, you’ll know what to eat when you’re up late studying. Which foods will keep you awake and alert during an exam. How to avoid those halfway-through-class hunger pains.

A Healthy Future

Your health may be excellent now. But a poor diet can contribute to life-threatening diseases that may not show up for many years, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis and certain cancers. Learning to eat well now could improve the quality of your life and increase your life expectancy, too.

To learn more, check out our Thoughtful Eating Toolkit. Or check into the Interactive Nutrition Classes, Workshops or Seminars that we offer.