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Philosophical Anthropology

The papers indexed below were given at the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, in Boston, Massachusetts from August 10-15, 1998. Additional papers may be added to this section as electronic versions are aquired and formatted for the archive. These papers will be listed for a period of time at the What's New? page.

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Philosophical Anthropology
Author's Name Affiliation Paper Title
Lourdes Gordillo Alvarez Valdés Universidad de Murcia (Spain) La virtud como perfeccionamiento del individuo según J.S. Mill (Spanish)
María G. Amilburu St. Edmund's College, Cambridge University Understanding Human Nature: Examples from Philosophy and the Arts
Bolesław Andrzejewski Adam-Mickiewicz-University, Poznań, Poland Mensch und Natur: Ein Beitrag zu der Theorie des "Homo Universus" German
Jean-Marie C. Apovo Université Nationale du Bénin Anthropologie du Bo (Théorie et Pratique du gris-gris) (French)
Carol Collier University of Ottawa The Body as Teacher: From Source of Knowledge to Object of Knowledge
Duan Dezhi Wuhan University On the History, Theoretical Difficulties and Prospects of the Western Subjectivity Thought
Nancy du Bois Emory University Vico's Orations on Paideia and Humanitas
Victor M. Idoate García Universidad Pública de Navarra (ESPAÑA) Antropologia de Lain Entralgo segun sus escritos(Spanish)
Ingvar Johansson Umeå University, Sweden Impossible Descriptions, Superfluous Descriptions, and Mead's "I"
Chin-Tai Kim Case Western Reserve University The Nature and Possibility of Philosophical Anthropology
Sabina Kruszynska University of Gdansk The Human Nature and Freedom: Re-interpretation of the philosophical thought of Benjamin Constant
Claudia Márquez Pemartín Universidad Panamericana (MÉXICO) The Feeling of Pain: A Metaphysical Interpretation from Thomas Aquinas (Spanish)
E. Meinberg Institut of Pedagogy, German Sports Universit Environmental Destruction: A Philosophical-Anthropological Perspective
Elizabeth Murray Morelli Loyola Marymount University Ressentiment and Rationality
Sami Pihlström University of Helsinki Narrativity, Modernity, and Tragedy: How Pragmatism Educates Humanity
Vassily M. Pivojev University of Petrozavodsk Luctis Cogitatio and Noctis Reflectio as the Forms of Consciousness and Human Exploration of the World
Eugene S. Poliakov Loyola Marymount University Lord, What is Man?
Martin Rudolph   Homo Mensura-Philosophie: Analepse gegen Paralipse La Mettrie und die griechische Medizinphilosophie (iatros philosophos isotheos) German
Beata Stawarska Catholic University of Leuven The Self, the Other, the Self as An/other: A Reading of Early Sartre
Lioudmila Tchernaya Institute for Cultural Research, Troitsk, Russia Philosophical-Anthropological Approach to Historic-Cultural Research
Dieter Wandschneider Philosophisches Institut der RWTH Aachen (Germany) Autonomy in Determinism
Joseph Waterman Boston University The Life, Work and Death of Self-Consciousness in Hegel's Master-Slave Dialectic
Dennis M. Weiss York College of Pennsylvania Human Nature and the Digital Culture: The Case for Philosophical Anthropology
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