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BU’s new gen ed program gets underway

Off and running!

This fall, we rolled out the BU Hub—our University-wide general education program. The 2018 freshmen were the first to dive in.

The BU Hub replaces individual general education programs in each of our 10 undergraduate schools and colleges, focusing on working across disciplines in an effort to prepare students for a dynamic, frenetic, and constantly shifting world. It gives every undergraduate the opportunity to develop the essential knowledge, skills, and habits of mind needed to think deeply, generate new ideas, and put those ideas into action.

The development of the BU Hub is the result of extensive preparation over the past four years to introduce the new program into the BU curriculum.

Built around a group of key capacities, the BU Hub ensures that all undergraduates develop proficiency in each of the following: philosophical, aesthetic, and historical interpretation; scientific and social inquiry; quantitative reasoning; diversity, civic engagement, and global citizenship; communication; and the intellectual toolkit. Students will further develop their intellectual toolkit with expertise in teamwork, research and information literacy, critical thinking, and life skills.

And it’s never too early to infuse the idea of hands-on interdisciplinary collaboration into young minds. That’s why we created the Cross-College Challenge, where students from different schools and majors work together on a semester-long project, developing team-building skills, research acumen, and conceptual and communication abilities—key ingredients for workplace success.

“The BU Hub,” says Amanda Urias, its managing director, “ensures that all undergraduates, no matter their major, develop intellectual capacities that will teach them to thrive throughout their lives.”


Six Essential Capacities

In the fall of 2018, after four years of preparation, BU rolled out its first University-wide general education program, which seeks to prepare students for lifelong learning and leadership in a rapidly evolving global community.

The Hub's Six Capacities


Philosophical, Aesthetic, and Historical Interpretation


Scientific and Social Inquiry


Quantitative Reasoning


Diversity, Civic Engagement, and Global Citizenship




Intellectual Toolkit