• Kimberly Cornuelle

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There are 9 comments on Good Guys, Bad Guys, and Public Enemies

  1. This is an amazing story and a great movie. I’m impressed that Christian Bale and the movie Public Enemies wanted to be factual and respectful in the portrayal of Melvin Purvis.

  2. This article was a great read! It’s nice to be able to associate a movie character with a real person and have it validated by the family. More importantly it was nice to read that Melvin Purvis finally received his reward for being the “good guy”. I have not seen the movie yet, but will certainly think about the real Melvin Purvis as I watch Chrisitan Bale. Knowing that Alton Purvis is part of the BU community will certainly encourage me to read his book.


  3. This is an excellent interview. It’s moving to read Alston Purvis on the subject of his father and what he went through. His book is available now in bookstores and well worth reading for the true account. It’s a great American story.

  4. It says a lot about Christian Bale as an actor that his portrayal of the real Melvin Purvis meets with Professor Purvis’ stamp of approval. The movie is mixed and tends to have more style than substance, but it’s definitely worth seeing.

  5. I saw Public Enemies last weekend and enjoyed it from beginning to end!
    I thought C.Bale was perfect & awesome as Melvin Purvis!
    Great interview!

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