• Cynthia K. Buccini

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There are 4 comments on Sunny Dispositions and Vitamin D

  1. while i wont say i am an active our outdoor person, i am still surprised my doctor diagnosed me as having vitamin d deficiency. is there any chance that this might be caused by our consumption of overly processed food too? after consuming extra dosage of vitamin D3 for a few months, i noticed the pains and aches were no longer there…and i do feel much more energized too…

  2. I have a problem with what the professor said……. “we have a healthy developed world living into the 80’s”. From what I see, we are spending many years before our 80’s slowly dying. That doesn’t seem “healthy” to me. How many seniors do you know dont take a boatload of meds and constant doctors appointments. Also she said “theres no shortage of the next generation”. Well the next generation will be the first to NOT out live the previous generation. I think the chances of getting skin cancer are far less than getting the problems you might get from lack of sun and low vitamin D. My friend healed her fibromyalgia with vitamin D although her “specialist” wanted to put her on dangerous drugs instead. Thank god her primary doctor told her to try getting her D level up before going the drug route. Also my husband has chronic back pain which is now much less since I talked him into taking D. I’ll try D before toxic drugs any day.

  3. I am 45 years old and live near Philadelphia. Last winter I began to become achey and tired all the time. In April, we discovered my D3 blood level was 16. Since I cannot tolerate the supplement, I have been using a safe tanning bed as advocated by Dr. Mercola and others in the medical profession. I am very careful to *never* burn or overdo it. My blood level has gradually risen to adequate levels and I have never felt better! While everyone around me is falling ill to the flu and other viruses, I continue to stay well. I realize now I have spent my entire adult life, as long as I can remember, catching every virus that goes around in the fall/winter/early spring. I’ve been chronically tired and low on energy except in the summer. I now believe my other chronic health problems may be related to a lifetime of D3 deficiency. I respectfully disagree with Dr. Gilchrest. And also, to both doctors, sitting outside two times per week and exposing some skin is *not* enough to bring up blood levels to a safe level when deficient. I tried consistently last summer and to my dismay, my level went up only minimally. Everyone this far from the equator needs to know their blood level first, proceed from there, and retest later so they can gauge how their body responds to supplementation or sun exposure.

  4. I live in Fairbanks, Alaska, 150 miles from the Arctic Circle. I’ve been taking Vit. D suppliments for years after my doctor told me that she started testing all her patients and virtually all her patients were deficient. So she just started prescribing Vit D suppliments routinely instead of testing. Our local health fair began offering Vit D testing a couple of years ago. This past year I discovered that after taking 10,000 per day for over six months, I reached 60, still with normal limits. I worry about doctors only prescribing 1,000mg per day as I don’t think that is sufficient for most people in northern climes.

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