• Davide Nardi (CAS’11)

    Davide Nardi (CAS’11) Profile

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There are 3 comments on So Many Clubs, So Little Time

  1. I feel like with so many events, there isn’t a good way to organize all that’s going on around BU. You get emails from clubs that you just signed up for at Splash but then when you unsubscribe for them there is no good organized way to find out what’s going on around campus.

    I firmly believe in centralizing information in communities and that was the incentive for creating urbanamp.com, a site to allow all BU students to share events that they hear about and find what is going on not only on campus, but also around Boston. We try to find events that fit your interests!

    There’s a lot of events that happen around BU every year but the problem is that after the initial post-splash hype, therein lies a true disconnect of information and the only way people hear of anything is by the GSU link or by word of mouth. Hopefully, we can all encourage a community to share what’s going on as the year progresses.

    1. Hey Eric – the most centralized source of info is the main BU calendar: http://www.bu.edu/calendar/

      It is up to the various clubs, schools, and organizations to post their events here, but as someone who adds events to the calendar and spends a lot of time browsing it, I think that the majority do post their events there.

      I’d say it’s your best bet!

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