BU One of Nation’s Top 10 “Sexiest, Smartest Colleges”
Buzzfeed says students have brains and sex appeal
BU has been impressing any number of academic evaluators of late, from London’s Times Higher Education magazine to the godfather of all ratings, U.S. News & World Report. But does the world know that those brains come packaged in magnetic sex appeal?
It does now. Manhattan-based website BuzzFeed has declared the University the 7th “sexiest, smartest college in the country,” beating Carnegie-Mellon, the University of Virginia, and Harvard in the top 10.
Our purportedly smarter, sexier peers, in ascending order: Boston College (but BC just edges us out, BuzzFeed says reassuringly), Columbia, Penn, Princeton, Dartmouth, and number-one—Brown.
“Sexiness has been tragically ignored by most college ranking systems (we’re looking at you, U.S. News & World Report),” BuzzFeed’s editors note. The site illustrates its rankings with photos of putatively attractive alumni, male and female, who once sashayed, laden with books, across each campus. Actress Alfre Woodard (CFA’74, Hon.’04) graces BU, while fellow thespian Emma Watson represents Brown.
BuzzFeed assembles popular items posted or shared on viral media while adding some serious content to the mix. It says it came up with its scores by plotting Forbes’ college ratings (which put BU at 98th in the country) against the “hotness index” from dating website DateMySchool (BU scored an impressive 16th place). The latter site determines “hotness” by how much interest students from various schools attract with their online profiles. BuzzFeed gave equal weight to both measures in calculating its top-10 list.
Of course, that’s hardly a scientific calculation, as noted by several readers who weighed in on BuzzFeed’s comments thread. That doesn’t deter the site’s editors.
“The statistics have spoken,” the article declares. “These schools combine the highest intellectual standards with the hottest scholars. Brag accordingly.”
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