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There are 3 comments on Beavers vs. Humans

  1. Beaver is my favorite animal ! Could someone explain how do they “learn” to build dam, and is this a higher level of intelligence than other types of animal except human ?

  2. All the research suggests that construction behavior (dam and lodge building) is an innate behavior and not learned. Most of the work has been done by European scientists and they agree that beavers “know” how to manipulate sticks and mud used in construction with no learning involved. There may be some learning involved as the beaver matures and “practices” construction. Beavers do respond to the sound of running water and this is the stimulus for construction. I’m not sure it is any higher intelligence than other animals, especially since it is much like nest building in other animals (birds and mammals) to some degree. The fascinating thing about animal behavior is that many species exhibit “high” levels of intelligence that support their adaptation to their environment. The Beaver is my favorite animal too!

    1. Hi, Peter: Thanks a lot for your detailed explanation !

      What you said about Beaver behavior reminds me about the innate and adaptive immune system. Even though many immune behaviors are defined as innate, but there are many adaptive elements involved to final build up everything.

      Maybe there is a Beaver University for teaching young beavers how to be good engineers. You can call it “BU”

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