• Rich Barlow

    Senior Writer

    Photo: Headshot of Rich Barlow, an older white man with dark grey hair and wearing a grey shirt and grey-blue blazer, smiles and poses in front of a dark grey backdrop.

    Rich Barlow is a senior writer at BU Today and Bostonia magazine. Perhaps the only native of Trenton, N.J., who will volunteer his birthplace without police interrogation, he graduated from Dartmouth College, spent 20 years as a small-town newspaper reporter, and is a former Boston Globe religion columnist, book reviewer, and occasional op-ed contributor. Profile

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There are 22 comments on Legalized Marijuana: What You Need to Know

    1. It has medical properties, as well as recreational benefits such as stress and anxiety relief. Humans throughout history have a major tendency to need to change their state of mind. Many use alcohol, a far more dangerous and damaging substance. Now, marijuana can be a safe option.

  1. You should also expect marijuana-related traffic fatalities and accidents to become more commonplace and expect wait times at emergency rooms to become even longer, according to a 2015 report from the Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Traffic Area. “From 2006 to 2014 overall, marijuana-related traffic deaths increased by 154 percent, from 37 fatalities with drivers testing positive for marijuana in 2006 to 94 in 2014” – http://www.factcheck.org/2016/08/unpacking-pots-impact-in-colorado/
    Merry Christmas.

    1. Hello NH, your source also says that there is no way to know if any of those 94 fatalities were actually impaired at death, just that they had marijuana in their system. Which could have been consumed months prior to the accident.

      Also, in 2014 Colorado had over five hundred vehicular deaths due to alcohol impairment, so if your only concern is saving lives you should be arguing for an alcohol ban first.

      1. …not to mention a ban on SUVs and light trucks, which are extremely common in Colorado, and are between 1.5 and 6 times more likely to kill someone in an accident than a car is (depending on size, safety features, and various other factors).

  2. Exactly why smoke? If you are going to enjoy it I would have to recommend vaporizing it. Much less harmful on the lungs. A friend told me soon as he switched over from smoking to using a vaporizer “my lungs just came back. I could run again without sucking wind.”

    As for the statements about “the only legal way to obtain it is if you grow it,” well this is not true. You can obtain permission from your Dr and they can put you on the MMJ trial and after registering officially with the Mass DPH you will obtain your official patient card.

    I don’t know anything about dorm policy, but since your renting that space I think you would have some rights if you are 1. A medical patient and 2. Not smoking it.

    Finally, I’d love to see these studies cited. I’m sure Michael Phelps might have some disagreement with them.

  3. Looking for a little clarification on the law (LAW student here):

    Without having the legislation in front of me (have read the entire 25 pages multiple times), can somebody with knowledge clarify the “date of retail sales” mentioned here?

    As I read it, the commission is required to begin accepting applications for licenses BY October 2017 (I seem to recall it was mid October). Those applications must be returned with a decision within 90 days. Under that reading, I would see Jan 1 18 as the LATEST retail sales can start, not the earliest or even most likely time.

    That said I’d fully expect the commission (based on Gov Baker/Mayor Walsh and others statements against question 4) to drag this out as long as possible.

    Would greatly appreciate any links to statute or regulation that interacts with the question four legislation, or other authoritative references to this.

    Also, we have a professor at the law school who teaches a marijuana law seminar; might be a great interview on the topic.


    1. Greg,

      You are right. The CCC must begin accepting applications for licensure no later than Oct. 1, 2017. However since the latest that the regulations must be in force is Sept. 15 and that process could be attenuated, Jan. 1, 2018 is a realistic timeline. Also if regs. are not in place by 1/1/18 then medical marijuana facilities can start to sell to the adult market.

      Note: The link to the “public version” of the bill in a comment is incorrect. The house version of the initiative is H.3932.

  4. They should only enforce marijuana prohibition if they have a federal warrant or subpoena…these hypocrites are more than happy to cooperate with the Feds over something relatively harmless like marijuana when compared to illegal immigration, which can pose a serious national security threat. My tax dollars should not be indirectly subsidizing this school that charges $65k and raises tuition faster than inflation. I sincerely hope they lose federal funding over their immigration stance, and maybe then Pres. Brown will realize he doesn’t have the authority to pick and choose which laws he wants enforced.

  5. Whoever Got u this 82% stat saying BU kids haven’t smoked in a month or at all was FADED AF. everyone is faded here man. Don’t scare away prospective stoner students damnit

  6. ““There is a misperception on campus that marijuana use is common among BU students,” says Katharine Mooney (SPH’12), director of Student Health Services (SHS) Wellness & Prevention. In fact, a recent randomized survey revealed that 82 percent of students either have never used marijuana or hadn’t used it in the previous month, she says.”

    Well that is a far-reaching conclusion to make. How can one randomize survey represents an entire university? On top of that, I seriously doubt if this survey was even randomized… Boston University actually has an area, on campus, named: “The Bakery.” Not only that but literally if you ask anyone student on the street, there is a 100% chance they had tried marijuana and a really “high” ;) probability of them smoking the night before to cope with finals and grade inflation dominating BU.
    Please explain how the survey was randomized, because it seems that BU wants to hide the real truth about marijuana from potential students and their parents: BU is full of stoners.

  7. Will be planning to no longer spend my tourist dollars in Mass. This direct defiance of federal law is foolish. The last paragraph says it all: you are at the university to learn, not to damage your brain (or liver I might add) or slow your processing speed and lower your IQ. Colorado is facing a huge public health crisis now, especially on the unregulated edibles market. Wake up peoples.

    1. I’d like to see your reference where you’re getting the information that Colorado is experiencing a health crises due to legalization of recreational marijuana.

      1. Don’t have the article on hand, but the # of children with serious illness due to edibles ( drugs disquised as candy) has skyrocketed. And CNN has been off at our house for many reasons – not our source of info. There are unintended consequences and complications. But don’t worry, while you all are destroying your IQ smoking before finals, some other kid is getting ahead and hopefully making a difference in the world with their brains intact.

        1. If you honestly think you will have some intellectual edge over someone who indulges in recreational use of marijuana you are already behind. An open mind will broaden your perspective and do more for you than refraining based on purpose driven subjective research.

  8. Thanks Boston University authority for their great role. It is proved that marijuana causes brain damage, learning disabilities and reduce ones cognitive functions. Its legalization may kick student lives. Recently “WHO” also said that – the number of people seeking treatment for cannabis withdrawals are increased dramatically in last decade. So we need more awareness about it.
    Thanks for sharing it with us.

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