• Vijee Venkatraman

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There are 20 comments on Economics Professor—and Noted Numismatist

  1. Fascinating work. I esp. approve of housing the coin collection in a South Asian museum, While they are part of humankind’s common heritage, they deserve a permanent home in the region from whence they came, since it’s a more direct heritage there. No more Elgin Marbles Syndrome (sic)!

  2. In many cases there is always a deep relationship between the economies of several nations and their history. In fact economical remains more specifically, currency and coins tells a lot about the history of the specific geographic location from where they belong. I am currently enrolled for a bachelors program at Mount Lincoln University. I believe Pankaj has elaborated the entire idea with a huge depth. http://www.mountlincolnuniversity.com/

  3. which is first coin of India? when? if dated? or no research has been done on prevalence of coins (earlier called pann etc in jataka or panchatantra tales) in India? often we read there was use of gold or silver made coins(or any name?) in ancient India

  4. I want to know if india had issued ek naya paisa coin in 1964 or not. Once in 1964 naya paisa was demonetized and ek paisa coin was introduced. So i want to know if government issued naya paisa coin of 1964 with naya paisa concept or not.

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