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There are 7 comments on The Dyslexia Paradox

  1. Have they looked into the color reversal afterimage optical illusion? Every dyslexic I know (including my daughter) can not do it or at least have a great deal of difficulty with it.

  2. Would be fascinating to have dyslexics and non-dyslexics look at visual images and their ability to remember both what they saw and the detail — our experience, consistent with most FMRIs is that dyslexics have right-brain strengths and left-brain challenges

  3. What if we did not look at these potential causes for dyslexia as an impairment, but instead investigated whether the ability not to default to rapid neural adaptation might actually present an evolutionary advantage (perhaps in areas other than decoding writing)? In other words, are there things that dyslexics are particularly good at (due to the fact that their brains always work hard to process incoming sights and sounds)?

  4. I think Mr. Hoehn may be on to something. As an individual with both Dyslexia and Asperger’s Syndrome, I see an interesting intersection between this research and the non-verbal population with ASD. My son was hyperlexic, and I am thinking of the many friends I have who are non-verbal yet extremely articulate using agumentative communication devices. What if telepathy is the next evolution of humans. We are using twitter, texting LOL, OMG, etc and now emojis to communicate in smaller and smaller bytes. Doesn’t it make sense that if our brains are smart enough to figure out how to decode that they would eventually find an easier way to communicate?

  5. I totally agree with the lack of adaptivity of the dyslexics brain. After teaching Special Education for 29 years I have spent years trying to help students see that you can change one word into another by changing/adapting one letter. If you know one word, and can see it is similar to a known word you can figure out the unknown word.. When that transitions occurs, seeing how words and letters can be alike yet different the reading process seems to start to accelerate. KEEP THE GOOD WORK RESEARCHING!

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