• Nicolas Suarez

    Nicolas Suarez (CAS’21, Pardee’21) can be reached at suarezns@bu.edu.  Profile

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There are 12 comments on POV: It’s Time to End the Sale of Flavored E-Cigarettes

  1. This article is a farce. You think banning flavors is going to stop young adults from vaping you are sorely mistaken. First of all young adults are fully capable of making their own decisions about what they choose to do with their lives. This ban does nothing but strip yet another freedom of choice from all people who vape. You speak of vaping as if its heroine. Young adults and older adults alike will continue to vape regardless. This ban will only drive them towards underground sources which will further make said issue worse.

  2. ‘First of all young adults are fully capable of making their own decisions about what they choose to do with their lives.” And totally incapable of dealing with the consequences of their decisions.

  3. This article is farce and biased. Also you keep talking about protecting the youth.. what about the ADULTS who truly enjoy the flavors and used it to help them stop smoking cigarettes. Cigarettes, you know, the number one tobacco killer? Known to cause cancer? So protect the youth because they’re so precious and innocent but forget the adults? Protect the youth, who may not even be able to survive our planet in the decades to come because of climate change. But okay. Yeah. Protect the youth.

  4. A ban will do nothing more than push people towards less healthy alternatives. For instance tobacco use such as cigarettes, and also black market sources which as the CDC has demonstrated are the source of the acute vaping related illnesses that have captured headlines recently.

    These bans are shortsighted, uninformed, and reactionary policies that only worsen the problem. It seems to me these policies are being pushed by people who do not vape, and have little understanding of what vaping is. Anecdotally, since Boston has banned vaping products I have found myself smoking cigarettes for the first time in two years again. I really can only blame myself for falling back into old habits, but I can’t help but feel that it could have been avoided.

  5. What ever happened to freedom? It’s not even that prohibition tells us that blindly banning anything is never going to work. There’s statistics and logic, but regardless if you don’t believe in a person’s right to choose what to do with their own body, you are infantilizing them. You are pushing slowly but surely towards totalitarianism. Why don’t you go all the way and ban alcohol, high-sodium foods, energy drinks, sugar, fried foods… oh, and pornography, mean articles on the Internet, celebrity magazines, violet movies… and burn the books too!

  6. There are e-liquid manufacturers who provide independent lab reports proving their liquids are free of all possible carcinogens. It’s a small portion of the vape industry known as “clean products”. If you don’t know this? That means your entire article is a lie. Because you claimed, “It’s a fact that they contain both nicotine and carcinogens”. This statement is a gross over-generalization & an outright lie. We can prove there is plenty of product lab tested free from all carcinogens. So, you are either outright lying? Or not fully informed? Either way, you are in no position to post articles about a topic you are NOT an expert in. You are part of the problem.

  7. So combustible cigarettes that kill 1300 people a day should be left where they are? The one thing that has actually help people quit the most is being affected here. Should flavored Vodka be pulled from the shelf next?

    Ecigs have been around in this form for a decade. This will literally create a massive , unsafe , and illegal black market.

  8. Nonsense. I started smoking at age 14. I wish I hadn’t, but better I had been vaping. I tried gum, patches, pills. None of it worked. 32 years later, Flavored liquid worked. NOT tobacco flavor. I don’t want to be reminded of tobacco. Would you give near beer to an alcoholic?
    Protect kids, by all means, but the Nanny State is not the way.

  9. Holy crap. What a total and complete crock. I could point the many falsehoods and outright lies and then go on to make several points of my own but I see every single person who commented here has covered pretty much everything

    it’s sad that a piece like this came out of Boston University. You would honestly think that being who they are they would put out factual information instead of this nonsensical garbage the furthers an agenda.

  10. Its also not only about young adults, its also about high school teens even middle school teens.
    Even though illegal, but because of the lower health risk Juul and other e-cigarette companies claim, there is a trend of younger people, even risking their development, vaping and consuming e-cigs.
    I totally support of ending the sale of flavored e-cig.

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