• Rich Barlow

    Senior Writer

    Photo: Headshot of Rich Barlow, an older white man with dark grey hair and wearing a grey shirt and grey-blue blazer, smiles and poses in front of a dark grey backdrop.

    Rich Barlow is a senior writer at BU Today and Bostonia magazine. Perhaps the only native of Trenton, N.J., who will volunteer his birthplace without police interrogation, he graduated from Dartmouth College, spent 20 years as a small-town newspaper reporter, and is a former Boston Globe religion columnist, book reviewer, and occasional op-ed contributor. Profile

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There are 7 comments on Some BU Students Will Qualify for Federal Aid Due to Pandemic

  1. I was saddened to see that BU Today would chose to advertise and glorify President Trump and his cohorts by posting that picture, as if they were deserving of any praise. As is obvious to anyone who has been reading or listening to true journalism, the president has done nothing but mishandle the current pandemic and, in typical Trump fashion, blamed others. People have lost lives because of him, and he continues to give out false information while using his press conferences to campaign for himself while giving out false and dangerous misinformation. Our country is deeply divided because of him. To present him as a champion to low income students is beneath the standards I expect from my alma mater. Yes, he did sign this stimulus package, which will help some people, and that is wonderful news. Though even in doing so, he put certain loopholes that exclude some low income students. The photo you chose is extremely prejudicial. Please just report the facts without aiding him in using the media as a form of campaigning. He and his congressional enablers have already done too much damage to our country and the world.

    1. Dear Luisa, thanks for your comment. BU Today used that photo because, all politics aside, that is the President of the US signing the Act that we were writing about. It was a news event when it happened, and the photo captures that moment. The photo itself is not prejudicial, as you say, but we encourage people from both sides of the political aisle to debate the merits of the Act. Thanks.

  2. Luisa,
    Your commentary is your right but very little of your response is fact based and largely built upon a biased subjective narrative you which to convey. You request that the writer “just convey the facts” but you don’t follow your own guidelines in your comment. “True journalism” is in the eye of the beholder and a truly informed citizen avails themselves of arguments from all sides rather than just ones that they want to embrace.

    BTW, you may want to research the word “glorify” as the article does none of that.

    IMO, your angst should be directed at the World Health Organization as a prompt and proper response from them would have truly saved lives all over the world as well as limiting the financial carnage that required the CARES Act to be signed.

    Be safe.

    1. The WHO and China did warn the world since early January, but the Trump administration chose not to listen. One would think when the world saw a large country like China locking down, that the U.S. would have looked into what was going on with more urgency and investigated more. However, we just watched because Trump said the virus was just a HOAX. Now over 60,000 Americans are Dead because of the of slow response by the U.S. government and Trump.

      1. More misinformation on the WHO and what they reported. In January, the WHO publicly praised the Chinese and their response as containing the disease. The WHO did nothing to ascertain the lies coming out of China about the extent of the spread and lethality.

        Please turn your venom towards the country originating the outbreak and then not responding properly and then… towards the health organization the world pays for to help keep us all safe.

        60,000+ Americans are not dead because of Donald Trump…that is sheer lunacy and emblematic of an uniformed politically driven partisan public agenda. There are a number of just blames to lay at the feet of Donald Trump but the blame for the spread of a once in a decade disease originally mishandled by the WHO is not one of them.

        Was Barack Obama responsible for 10,000+ H1N1 deaths in the U.S.? Of course not.

        Demand the WHO do their job and stop with the Trump blame nonsense.

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