• Rich Barlow

    Senior Writer

    Photo: Headshot of Rich Barlow, an older white man with dark grey hair and wearing a grey shirt and grey-blue blazer, smiles and poses in front of a dark grey backdrop.

    Rich Barlow is a senior writer at BU Today and Bostonia magazine. Perhaps the only native of Trenton, N.J., who will volunteer his birthplace without police interrogation, he graduated from Dartmouth College, spent 20 years as a small-town newspaper reporter, and is a former Boston Globe religion columnist, book reviewer, and occasional op-ed contributor. Profile

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There are 6 comments on These BU Students Hope to Transform the GOP

  1. Progressive Mitt “Might Rob Me” Romney tried this too and we all know where it got him; think failed presidential run. He now stands alone viewed as a rouge nut job within the Republican party (of course many democrats think he is the only same Republican which just goes to validate the prior statement). McCain another RINO made the same mistake.

    Real Republicans are conservative by nature which means they are prudent and prefer to conserve and protect the status quo; if ain’t broke don’t fix it. This ideology is in contrast with liberalism and progressivism of the democratic party which seeks change based o “solutions” which they run around with looking for “problems” to solve. They are inherently see problems everywhere and are never satisfied with the status quo even when it ain’t broke.

    What the Republicans work to conserve and not readily
    change are the limited government, fundamental liberties and rights expressly defined in the declaration of independence and the constitution. The democratic liberal progressives by contrast view these not as covenants to be adhered to but as living documents subject to their own majority rule interpretations even when these are in stark contrast to anything mentioned in the federalist papers.

    Trying to move the Republican party to the left will prove to be a fool’s errand. Among the reasons for this is that the federal constitution guarantees us a Republican form of government not a Democratic or progressive form of government and it does so for precisely the same reasons (Read Common Sense by Thomas Paine to better understand this line of reasoning) that conservative dogma of the Republican party cannot be changed.

    In conclusion, the Republican party does not need to change because it ain’t broke. On the contrary, it is the increasingly dependent and spoiled American people who need to change what they expect from the federal government. Until such time, those who refuse to accept the benefits of limiting federal government involvement in our lives will continue to be disappointed. Likewise, those who choose to alienate Republicans by assuming they are mean spirited due to their conservative nature will continue to miss the bigger picture which is, that it has been Republican not progressive democratic policies that have really served to defend and protect the rights of the little guy from the whims of the masses.

  2. I think this is a hopeful sign. I am happy to see that young people who align with more traditionally conservative values, who are a minority on college campuses, are investing in recreating a Party that they feel better represents them and their generation. The Republican Party and Platform of today bears hardly a shadow of a resemblance to the one that existed in the 1970s and 80s of my youth. I grew up in a staunchly liberal household, but had many family members and friends who were more conservative and were big fans of President Reagan. Perhaps that is why I am an Independent voter as an adult. That said, the extremism and hatred spewed by many in the Republican Party during the Trump Era has in turns saddened and enraged me, and has created much wider division in our country. There is extremism and hatred on both sides of the aisle, but the main difference I see is that one side is overtly dehumanizing black and brown and female and trans lives, while the other is taking an overly leftist approach that smells a lot like the failed ideologies of communism, including forced wealth redistribution, which demonizes successful corporations and those with personal, often hard earned, wealth. A salient point of difference – One demonized group has vastly less political and social power than the other – and that matters.

  3. How are these “reformists” even remotely conservative? I didn’t know the word “reformist” and “conservative” could even be used together. #RINOs

  4. The headline and subheadline of this article clearly say that members of this Gen Z GOP group “want the Republican Party to address climate change, xenophobia, racial injustice.” Please tell me, at length, how THOSE wants are “not conservative.” You would hope that the health of the only planet we have to live on and ensuring the rights of all people, regardless of race or ethnicity, are ideals held by all humans, regardless of political ideology. If you can’t be conservative and SUPPORT these things, then being conservative is anti-human. But I don’t think conservatives OR the GOP are that. know they aren’t because once in a while we get brave GOP politicians break with the rest of the party over very sound, reasonable decision making. Maybe it’s a bunch of trolls commenting here so far. I don’t know, but thank god for these kids. Don’t listen to the haters Gen Z GOP. Haters Gonna Hate. Don’t mean they’re right….or “conservative”.

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