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There are 3 comments on In Deadly COVID-19 Lung Inflammation, BU Researchers Discover a Culprit in NFkB Pathway

  1. Very interesting and encouraging. I am a retired nurse, never been much involved in research but find this fascinating. Any CEU’s available?

  2. Are you talking about a bradykinin storm? Maybe even joined by a cytokine storm? If so, I’ve read that the world’s second fastest super computer studied thousands of genome combinations and discovered that this overreaction of the body can be stopped by taking natural vitamin D! That would be D3. Take it on a regular basis along with zinc and vitamin C. And if those concerned want to look toward a medication to help stop these “storms”, there are already some approved drugs that can help, from what I have read. Best wishes.

  3. The researchers say these findings aren’t yet ready for clinical practice, but they add a new perspective to the robust thrombosis and inflammation research in patients with COVID-19.

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