• Tobe Berkovitz

    Tobe Berkovitz is a College of Communication associate professor of advertising. He worked for 30 years as a political media consultant and appears frequently on television and in the press as a political and media analyst. He can be reached at tobetv@bu.edu. Profile

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There are 5 comments on POV: Many Americans Distrust the Media, but It’s Not a New Phenomenon

  1. My distrust of the media goes back to when NBC faked a truck accident/explosion. The whole news crew was in on it and no one said a word. It was only because GM had the resources to investigate and expose the fraud that the truth became known. If the news crew had been a little more clever they might have gotten away with it.

    Just recently Dr. Fauci was victimized by a misleading headline. When confronted the writer insisted that the story was true, but finally had to admit the headline was not. The intent was to manipulate facts in order to create a false impression.

    Therein lies the problem. Journalists no longer even attempt to overcome their bias, only camouflage it. Democracy cannot function without unbiased truth, i.e. facts. When facts are withheld, created, shaped or warped (depending on one’s perspective) the foundation of democracy is undermined.

    I believe the media has a long road ahead to regain trust. The average person seeking honest facts is helpless to find them without launching a search of their own — which few have the time or resources to do.

  2. Thank you for this POV. Reminds me of Ted Koppel’s assertion to Sean Hannity that his program was “bad for America” because the editorial shows drive the networks’ bottom lines (more so than hard news).

  3. The problem with most media organizations is rooted in their DNA. They are organizations who’s primary motivation is profit. Why strive for objectivity and level headedness when pursuing sensationalism and pandering to the audience you already have by telling them what they want to hear is far more profitable? Of course readers are going to consume more of your content when you’re instilling fear and anger into them. The only reason outright lies aren’t more common is because other media will report on your errors in order to eliminate their competition.

  4. Only a fool could miss the reality that the so-called “mainstream news media” have become nothing more than outlets for Democrat Party propaganda. That situation is genuinely dangerous to our freedoms in America. There has been a left-leaning journalistic tilt for most of my life, but the past four years have no precedent. And it may be too late to do much about that; we may already be doomed to collapse into the socialistic nightmare that the democrats offer. (I am a retired professor, age 82)

  5. It is true ! The news media has become so biased that they do a great deal of
    harm to public trust .
    A fanatic is a fanatic , whether Conservative or Progressive .
    In the end , it is all about the ratings and the money that these ratings bring in .

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