• Marc Chalufour

    Editor, Senior Writer

    Photo: Headshot of Marc Chalufour. A white man with brown hair and wearing a red and blue plaid shirt, smiles and poses in front of a dark grey background.

    Marc Chalufour is a senior editor/writer responsible for print and digital magazines for the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Communication. Prior to joining BU in 2018, he spent a decade editing AMC Outdoors, the Appalachian Mountain Club’s magazine, where his feature writing received multiple awards from Association Media & Publishing. Profile

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There are 2 comments on Reflections on Photographing Trauma

  1. Bless the artistry, honesty, and bravery of these photographers and all journalists who use their talent, training, and passions to tell us and show us what is going on in our world.

  2. The use of photography to tell a story and bring attention to events in the world is agreeably far more effective than writing an article. The visual shock provides another dimension to the story and as the article states, allows the readers to venture further into the story. The picture of veterans with writing on it provided the image of a normal human but brought trauma through the writing. This allowed the viewer to relate with the person and sympathize. However, much like the case of the Police in September 1990 near Soweto’s Jabulani migrant workers hostel were doing, there are going to be many cases of falsified. cherry picked information. How do we prevent those with bad intentions from using the limitations of a photograph in order to spread an untrue message?

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