• Rich Barlow

    Senior Writer

    Photo: Headshot of Rich Barlow, an older white man with dark grey hair and wearing a grey shirt and grey-blue blazer, smiles and poses in front of a dark grey backdrop.

    Rich Barlow is a senior writer at BU Today and Bostonia magazine. Perhaps the only native of Trenton, N.J., who will volunteer his birthplace without police interrogation, he graduated from Dartmouth College, spent 20 years as a small-town newspaper reporter, and is a former Boston Globe religion columnist, book reviewer, and occasional op-ed contributor. Profile

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There are 6 comments on Biden’s Top Four Priorities, Explained by Leading BU Experts

    1. The BU I went to published multiple perspectives on any given topic. What’s happening on ‘Comm’ Ave?

      Global warming is a complex issue. There may be a statistical correlation to facts that include but go beyond carbon emissions.

      Could experts with Ph.D’s & decades of experience be included in an up-coming opinion piece?

  1. I am a stalwart conservative, a former high school and college teacher. It’s the liberal democrats and the military industrial complex and our liberal democrats that : 1.
    prevented Jews from entering the U.S. before and after Kristallnacht in Germany (U.S. Pres., FDR). I knew some of the survivors who escaped, 2. increased the death toll of our soldiers in a communist peace-keeping mission in South Korea(Pres. Truman), 3. expanded the death toll of US soldiers in a war that was unnecessary in Vietnam(President Johnson), and devastating the US economy by a UN, non-supported war in the second Iraq invasion( non-mentis, R acting as a Democrat, George W. Bush.
    So now we are talking against conservatives, and in favor of socialism?
    So wrong. Even my alma mater should rethink giving free tuition rides to international students, while the U.S. citizenry pay for them.

  2. We need to have more hard data from Climate Change experts presented to the American public. Right now our information is coming from politicians with no scientific knowledge. Open debate among scientists does not exist and points of view are suppressed. We need a consensus opinion from our nation’s top scientists to help us. It is ridiculous for the U.S. to rejoin the Paris Accords without negotiating that China and India being required to address their huge role in this problem before 2030.

  3. Your definition of “Racist policies” as merely “maintaining” “racial injustice” is far too vague. Does a policy that fails to take an opportunity to resolve racial injustice “racist” because it maintained injustice? Does a policy that only makes a token/nominal improvement to racial justice, when it could easily do much more, count as “anti-racist?” What is racial injustice – the presence of measurable economically-significant inequalities? Perceptions of inequity, whether correct or not? Does the injustice have to be illegal under current law?

    Establishing useful defined terms will improve the public’s low opinion of the legitimacy of this field of study.

  4. I read a comment on LinkedIn from a black doctor stating that in the time that he was doing his residency, he attended to 67 gun shot wounded patients, not one shot from a police officer, not one shot from a Caucasian. It was all black on black. Lack of education, the breakdown of the family, not willing to work, rap music causing the pimp daddy mentality. Just what Dr. King envisioned heh? Boston University and the author need to dive deeper on this matter.

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