• Amy Laskowski

    Senior Writer Twitter Profile

    Photo of Amy Laskowski. A white woman with long brown hair pulled into a half up, half down style and wearing a burgundy top, smiles and poses in front of a dark grey backdrop.

    Amy Laskowski is a senior writer at Boston University. She is always hunting for interesting, quirky stories around BU and helps manage and edit the work of BU Today’s interns. She did her undergrad at Syracuse University and earned a master’s in journalism at the College of Communication in 2015. Profile

  • Sara Rimer

    Senior Contributing Editor

    Sara Rimer

    Sara Rimer A journalist for more than three decades, Sara Rimer worked at the Miami Herald, Washington Post and, for 26 years, the New York Times, where she was the New England bureau chief, and a national reporter covering education, aging, immigration, and other social justice issues. Her stories on the death penalty’s inequities were nominated for a Pulitzer Prize and cited in the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision outlawing the execution of people with intellectual disabilities. Her journalism honors include Columbia University’s Meyer Berger award for in-depth human interest reporting. She holds a BA degree in American Studies from the University of Michigan. Profile

    She can be reached at srimer@bu.edu.

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There are 8 comments on BU Suspends Kappa Sigma Fraternity Chapter

  1. good. It is time these boys understand the culture they permitted and fostered is rooted in violence, degradation, and misogyny. What’s even more disturbing is to see the way they have been acting after this incident. Many members of the frat (wearing their frat tee shirts) still congregate and take up big tables in common spaces while talking about the situation in ways that are too disturbing to even mention. Ashamed that these frat members think it’s okay and still sit in class with everyone.

  2. I don’t want to sound like an absolutist, but I think every non-professional, non-coed fraternity should be dismantled on both a local and national level. People like Wilson are the perpetuators of this violence, and people like Kelleher are the perpetrators. Their mere existence creates an inherently toxic and violent environment. BU can—and should—do its part by eliminating each remaining fraternity on campus and creating punishments for those who join them anyway.

  3. BU needs to directly address these allegations, and not just use the excuse of the frat breaking the rules put in place by the Dean. As a school I think we need to take a hard look at the amount of allegations and stories from survivors, and realize how much of this is caused by the culture of Greek Life itself. This is just my personal opinion, but having seen the Greek Life culture at this school and several others, fraternities are a breeding ground for apathetic, aggressive and violent behaviors.

  4. I went to the protest against Kappa Sigma last week. We went to the frat house and protested for about 2 hours. Halfway through the protest, their neighbors joined us. It’s so glad to see so many people care about students’ living environment and call to an end to sexual assault when it occurs. I felt supported by BU when I saw the news that Kappa Sigma will no longer be recognized as a BU-affiliated organization. This matters a lot to the survivors. Although I don’t think it is just the school’s responsibility to teach students about sexual assault prevention as it often occurs on campus, BU has done a great job in educating people about how to recognize, respond, and intervene in unsafe or unhealthy conditions and supporting the victims.

  5. The BU administration is to be commended for its more vigorous response to reports of alleged sexual assaults on campus. Sanctions of this sort will go much further in reducing unacceptable behavior than the its obligatory online Sexual Misconduct Prevention Learning Module (along with its prior incarnation rolled out a couple of years ago). Time and time again, across a broad array of institutions (whether educational, religious, military or corporate), it’s more than often the inability, or unwillingness, of those in leadership positions to apply serious sanctions on those responsible for this kind of behavior that allows it to fester. If victims aren’t willing to come forward to seek justice, it’s because they don’t trust those in positions of power to take their allegations seriously. They see that the perpetrators have little, if anything, to fear, and thus keep quiet, only allowing the problem to continue. Forceful student mobilizations centering on this problem are to be commended. If students continue to apply pressure from the streets, college and university administrations will be forced to pay attention and to take the kind of serious action from which they’ve been shying away. It’s much easier to “play tough” with obligatory online “learning” or “training” courses (to be completed in a couple of hours, potentially with your eyes closed) than actually to be tough–i.e., by carrying out serious investigations and applying the appropriate punishments.

  6. I think it might to be cut all frats. They encourage exclusivity. Given the criminal behavior at these frats, is there any way to replace these groups by having more clubs? Every time I see these stories, I am embarrassed and ashamed as an alum. I have lots of people getting away with this when I was at BU.

  7. In all honesty, this frat will be back in no time. This is just a publicity stunt. The school shares responsibility for these sexual assaults as they allow these frats and sororities to exist. Boston University as well many other universities are the biggest enablers of racial abuse, sexual abuse, violence and criminal behavior at these places. Like I said, this is just a publicity city. They had decades to do something. #BU is an enabler.

  8. It could be a good idea if there’s a town hall with the university President. Hopefully many of the victims can ask him questions. Hopefully it can be broadcasted on YouTube. I’d love to hear his responses especially to the victims in a public setting. For example, why are some victims trashed when they report sexual assault. Like I said, I want the university President to answer questions from the victims to the best of his abilities in a very public setting. I also don’t want him to get the questions beforehand.

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