• Amy Laskowski

    Senior Writer Twitter Profile

    Photo of Amy Laskowski. A white woman with long brown hair pulled into a half up, half down style and wearing a burgundy top, smiles and poses in front of a dark grey backdrop.

    Amy Laskowski is a senior writer at Boston University. She is always hunting for interesting, quirky stories around BU and helps manage and edit the work of BU Today’s interns. She did her undergrad at Syracuse University and earned a master’s in journalism at the College of Communication in 2015. Profile

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There are 7 comments on Classes and Campus Life Are Back. So Why Are Students Still Lonely?

  1. Really good to see this as an important issue, because it is! Would like to see it as more of a regular help feature in BU Today with practical ideas for students to learn from and lists of activities that are around on any given day.

  2. I’d like to see more events for sophomores. Freshmen get to meet each other in in-person classes, freshman classes, and during orientation, but sophomores don’t have and never had those opportunities. I really felt like I was getting somewhere with sophomore weekend… until I had a covid scare and couldn’t go. :/

    1. I would suggest you to believe in yourself and attempt to attend different types of events as often as possible. Don’t mind what some people will say, and keep being sociable and open to other to face your covid-19 fears. It’s better to move forwards and be a boss of yourself rather than hiding inside our cocoon.

  3. As a BU parent and a researcher who studies loneliness and exclusion I am so glad to see this article. This is an important issue, as loneliness can take a toll on health and wellbeing. I am appreciative of any steps that BU can take to address this issue and help students manage feelings of loneliness.

  4. BU needs to hire more counselors. There is a national shortage and referring out is not acceptable.

    BU needs to train and support RAs better so they in turn can recognize and facilitate intervention faster, and offer more support as a group and individually in dorms.

    BU needs to INVEST monetarily in wellbeing campaigns and reducing the stigma to include therapy dogs, (as they used to), life coaches and events presenting their talks to students just as Hillel is doing on a small scale.

    BU needs to make it okay for RAs to speak up anonymously when they don’t feel support or have serious concerns about their residents.

    BU needs to make well-being and mental fitness a positive word and reach out more in all types of feel good events

    BU needs to ensure EVERY professor has wellbeing on their agenda and keeps an eye out too as we are still in a pandemic and isolation and loneliness and depression are real.

    BU needs to stop expecting students to get it together and “ grow up “. Their brains are not fully formed until age 25 and even older adults are finding this pandemic a challenge.

    BU needs to think about prevention and not just reacting after the fact when it comes to wellbeing.

    BU needs to add wellbeing questions to the CheckIns students are required to do which includes:
    How much sleep are you getting?
    Are you sleeping soundly?
    Is anything worrying you?
    Are you feeling depressed?
    Are you eating okay?
    Are you making friends?
    Do you need any support?
    Are you worried about your safety?
    Are you worried about any other student’s safety?

    It’s time we stop brushing everything under the rug. The more transparent BU is – the more it listens even to its own experts like Dr.Lipson at BUSPH …the more it will shine and avoid any tragedies.

    BU Parents United

  5. I really wonder if Freshmen are more adept at managing the loneliness syndrome than their upper class members due to the former having dealt with it previously in their junior and senior years of high school? Likewise are there any differences between how current seniors cope versus juniors and sophomores, and versus the undergrad body mean or average?

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