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There are 3 comments on How Coronavirus Damages Lung Cells within Mere Hours

  1. Interesting for sure. As of 2/7 I am post covid bilateral Pneumonia. Diagnosed on 12/18/2020..I am day 42 considered Long Hauler by doctors. I was on a pre protocol but didnt wear a mask to Christmas and 4 days later had what I though was bronchitis starting.. I have a chronic history of Bronchitis. Went to the doctor 6 hours later and had wheezing and red ear. Got antibiotic and a inhaler from the urgent care. Called my primary the next morning and got cough meds and breathing treatments. Went back in two days and was still wheezing and coughing, said no pneumonia.. but no ex-ray.. 2 days later back again, worse wheezing.. said no pneumonia.. but no ex-ray. The next morning I could not breath and was taken to a stand along ER who happen to have doctors from all over the US in there working a covid set up… first off.. did a CT… and had double bilateral pneumonia . Started me on Ivermectin and a huge protocol of vitamins. Admitted me to a step observation unit.. a place they send you if you are to sick to be home but not quite ready to be on a covid unit.. said if I had waited 2 more days it would have been a whole different case.. I was headed to a bad place. As of today they have kept me out of the hospital.. I have had 11 ER visits and 5 admittances for treatments… IV steroids, vitamins, antibiotics etc.. I still have the pneumonia.. it is at a stand still for 2 weeks now, no better but no worse… I go to see a pulmonologist on 2/17 to see what or if permanent damage has been done to my lungs.. When covid hit me I was wheezing with in 7 hours and it turned bad fast.. One thing I learned is the Covid pneumonia is not like normal pneumonia.. you dont heart it.. IT must be ex-rayed or CT to be found!!

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