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There are 5 comments on For Knee Replacement, Physical Therapy Reduces Risk of Chronic Opioid Use

  1. I have had 14 knee surgeries. Out of those 14 knee surgeries 2 were failed total knee replacement. . It the surgery goes well one should not need pain medication unless the surgery goes bad at no fault of the patient. 5 problems that goes with a failed TKA
    1 infections
    2. Inflammation pain
    4. Pain
    5. Loosening.
    Or it’s lies from the Manufacturer’s lying to the FDA about their product on the market for consumers.
    So You do not know if your getting a good or bad implant.
    The problem is that doctors & manufacturers all get paid but the patient goes on in cronic pain until a doctor will go back in to correct the problem. Some don’t want to admitt that their is an error. The patient in catch in a catch 22 between the doctors & the Manufacturer’s
    Patients dod not asked to live in disabilities for thee rest of their lives!

  2. Anyone who has visited a doctor for knee pain ends up in PT. It’s also usually required by insurance before other treatments can be done/approved. I kept re reading this article because it sounded ridiculous, to be honest. I went through a very difficult and extremely painful knee replacement surgery, with pt before and after surgery. Pt is a valuable tool however if you deny patients actual pain relief post surgery, it’s a very long recovery. You can’t sleep, you can’t become more mobile and it’s mentally a torturing experience. It’s been two years since my surgery and it was the most inhumane experience I’ve ever endured. Unless it’s an emergency, I will never have surgery unless these barbaric practices are changed. The worst part is that I still have pain in my knee.

    1. When did common sense go out of pain management? I can tell you 2016 when the cdc issued it’s opiate “guidelines” which were quickly adopted as law. Since then ppl that suffer very painful incurable diseases or have previous injuries like amputated limbs were suddenly and mercilessly cut off the only thing that gives any quality of life. Propaganda you still see every day in the media blames chronic pain patients and drs for the opiate epidemic. Even though the problem w over prescribing happened 20 years ago.. They’ve cracked down so hard that they’ve left a perfect market for bootleg drugs that are far more dangerous. Overdoses are way up even though prescribing is way down. Prohibition never works. So many ppl have taken their lives as a result that advocates arre compiling lists. Many others became more crippled unable to work or care for themselves and many have died from strokes & heart attacks. Pain kills as much as addiction. Btw by the time ppl get to the point of knee replacement ppl have usually exhausted all other options including physical therapy. I know someone who was so afraid to take pain medication bc of opiate hysteria that he wasn’t doing the physical therapy on the level he should have. Drs use to know that rehabing after any surgery goes much better and faster for the patient when their pain is managed appropriately. No one should be doing PT immediately after knee replacement bc if it’s more distressing and they stop doing it you are not doing well by your patients. There is no one size fits all and it’s inhumane to leave ppl post op w nothing but Tylenol & that’s what is happening even in many ERs these days. Pain medication should be an option post surgery.

  3. I had a TKR in 2016 after six weeks of PT pre-op. The opioids prescribed post-op made me violently sick to my stomach. Pain was managed with Tylenol and ice. PT was begun immediately and continued weekly for six months at BU. I did the exercises at home religiously. The experience was a good one and my recovery was complete. I am very active and pain-free. What this researcher suggests makes sense to me.

  4. It is 6 weeks today since my total knee replacement surgery.
    My pain level remains at 6-7. I am 75 years old. I start outpatient PT in 3 days. I am terrified. Everyone tells my how painful it will be. Simple exercises since two weeks post surgery have helped very little with achieving pain free movement/extension of my knee. When sitting upright and my feet flat on the floor I still cannot achieve a 90 degree bend without significant pain. Walking with a walker is okay because it only requires a slight bending of the knee and I can finally depend on some stability on the surgical leg. I was last prescribed oxycodone 5 mg one tablet every four hours #35 seven days ago. I have 10 tablets remaining. I have been rationing them because when I have asked for a refill I am treated like a drug seeking loser. Why? The so-called opioid crisis has destroyed a tolerable recovery experience, the will to keep trying harder. I feel abandoned by the health care system. That is the tragedy here. Even the CDC has admitted the original guidelines were not meant to keep pain relief from those who need it. But that has been the result. How did pharmaceutical lies and people who choose to abuse pain pills become my problem? Why am I am I paying the price?

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