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There are 9 comments on POV: My Son Was Killed in Iraq 14 Years Ago—Who’s to Blame?

  1. Boston University is a better place for its association with Colonel Basevich. This piece articulates my own view perfectly, and it reminds me of my favorite Pogo quip: “We have met the enemy, and it is us.”

  2. Powerful and right on. I would also add that journalists failed as well, Most drank the Kool-aid of WMD and helped fuel this desire to avenge 9/11 — even if the evidence did not support this action and its never-ending grief.

  3. One way to get the American people’s attention when it comes to forever wars is to reinstate the draft. If all of Americas sons and maybe daughters were going to fight these wars people would wake right up and take notice.

  4. In a time where universities struggle to establish their brand and elbow their way up increasingly irrelevant ratings charts, it is a blessing to have people like Prof. Bacevich asking the inconvenient questions that we need to ask.

  5. A brave and thoughtful piece – and one that should (but likely won’t) spark a renewed interest by the US public into our military interventions. When you wield a hammer, every problem becomes a nail. We have many other options in our toolbox.

  6. Professor Bacevich is a national treasure. I have read every single one of his opinion pieces, thought about their content, learned from them–what to say, how to say it, and how not to instrumentalize personal tragedy. Thank you, Professor Bacevich for this piece, too, which is as close to the bone as it is universal.

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