• Dana Ferrante

    Production Manager

    Photo of Dana Ferrante, a young white woman with long brown hair and an undercut. She smiles, wears purple glasses, and a sand-colored shirt.

    Dana Ferrante is production manager for BU Today, The Brink, and Bostonia, and produces BU Today’s award-winning, biweekly podcast Question of the Week. She is also a Metropolitan College MLA candidate in gastronomy, and can be reached at dferr@bu.edu. Profile

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There is 1 comment on Priyanka Naik’s The Modern Tiffin Features Vegan Recipes with a Global Influence

  1. This was a very nice read. I didn’t grow up a vegan and was not familiar with a Tiffin; however, packing a lunch for school, work and trips was very common for our family. As a first generation Italian-American we had our favorites and even today my kids enjoy the traditional staples. I’ve kept my father’s aluminum lunch box as a reminder.

    My wife and I are looking forward to making the Chili-Maple Skillet Corn Bread. Thanks for sharing your passion. Wishing you continued success.

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