• Jillian McKoy

    Senior Writer/Editor SPH School News, Office of Communications and Marketing

    Jillian McKoy is a senior writer and editor in the SPH Office of Communications and Marketing; she can be reached at jpmckoy@bu.edu. Profile

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There are 14 comments on Three Decades after the Gulf War, Veterans Still Battle Health Issues

  1. Please allow this comment to raise attention, not only to Gulf War Illness (GWI) research but to Dr. Sullivan and her career endeavor to prioritize the health of the 1990/91 Gulf War Veterans (GWV). Dr. Sullivan, you are a stalwart researcher, if I may speak for the 200,000+ Veterans that endure the debilitating effects from our toxic wounds; “we value you deeply, thank you for dedicating your life work to us!” Moreover, allow me to suggest to any 1990/91 GWV, that deployed to Desert Shield/Desert Storm; that is concerned about their post-deployment health, to seriously consider participating in clinical research. You may learn more about what is going-on in your body and, equally important, to take this knowledge to your Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT) at the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), in order to develop effective healthcare plans.

  2. I am a Desert Shield/Storm vet, and I’ve not been feeling so great over the past 15 or so years. I have participated in a bunch of studies with these doctors, and we are moving the ball forward (yes, we vets and researchers). Thank you Dr. Sullivan and team!

  3. I think I am suffering from this. My va. Dr. Does not know anything about it and doesn’t want to know anything about it I need someone to help me. The va won’t. I want to know if I have this.

  4. I am a Desert Shield/Storm vet too and i have felt most of these symptoms for nearly 30 years since returning from the Middle-East. I cannot tell you how many times that my complaints have been dismissed by both VA doctors as well as my PCP. The civilian docs act as If they are oblivious to GWI, and they probably are. The kicker is that they don’t care to learn more even when presented with articles relating to the subject. Very disheartening and frustrating to say the least. Thank you Dr. Sullivan. I wish you the very best in your endeavors.

  5. I’m a gulf war vet. I took the Bromide pills. They had adverse effects on me. I was also guarding a ammo depot before it was blown up. We were under the mushroom cloud of chemicals. I was also exposed to oil clouds. We walked right through them. I’ve had these symptoms for thirty years! I’m a prime candidate for your studies. Please let me know if I can help.

  6. I’m so glad that a came across this document. Very glad to hear there is someone like you Dr Sullivan that has researched this. I have been dealing with all of these issues for about 30 years. I was exposed to the MANY oil wells on fire and a SCUD missile exploding less than a kilometer from me. It is so easy for our government to claim war and send thousands of troops to fight, but then when “issues” arise, the federal government just shuns them off. With technology today, we could get a very easy data base of these conditions of all the troops and make a simple correlation. Again thank you Dr Sullivan, what next?

  7. I’m a gulf war vet. I’ve lost a lot of fellow vet that serve with me to soon. My faith in God is what getting through this. I beat alcoholism & so many close cause to deaf due my service. I suffer from major sleep disorder , mood disorder , memory impairment & chronic pain. I like to be apart of any research.

  8. The research is very much appreciated. However, the VA seems to be all over the place with acknowledging symptoms and illnesses. They often deny claims, regardless of evidence shown. They farm out comp and pen exams to QTC. This company ( in my experience) is nothing more than a rubber stamp. I have had multiple appointments, that had me travel 50 plus miles, and never layed hands on me. Recent news shows the VA is looking to strip veterans of their compensation. OSA, to name one. IF you were fortunate enough to receive a rating, you may now find yourself out in the cold. I myself have been denied, despite having multiple conditions to which OSA is medically linked to as a secondary condition.

  9. I am a gulf war vet and was diagnosed with scleroderma in 2020. The symptoms started in 2019 with chronic pain, skin tightening,gastrointestinal issues which included diarrhea and substantial weight loss, insomnia and fatigue. A lot of the same symptoms described in the MUCMI conditions. Just wondering if there’s a connection.

  10. My husband was in the Gulf War, BUT his unit didn’t actually touch ground. Halfway there, they were told to turn around b/c they were not needed.

    He was supposed to be stationed in Germany…but day of graduation, got orders he was going to Iraq. He received his pre deployment vaccines for Germany…then had to turn around and get the vaccines for Iraq.

    He has had stomach, skin, and GI issues since being out of the military. Years later, now he has heart issues, lung sarcoidosis. As long as I have known him, he doesn’t sleep well…now wears a CPAP mask. With everything that is going on with him, he suffers from depression…and unfortunately, PTSD b/c of how many times the VA doctors have screwed up operating on him! He also has a very high ANA…VA couldn’t figure out why, and just stopped trying to figure out why.

    Gulf War Syndrome wasn’t just from being ACTUALLY overseas…the vaccines caused it as well. I am still pushing to get my husband’s disability to include the Gulf War Syndrome as well.

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