• BU Today staff

    BU Today staff Profile

  • Dana Ferrante

    Production Manager

    Photo of Dana Ferrante, a young white woman with long brown hair and an undercut. She smiles, wears purple glasses, and a sand-colored shirt.

    Dana Ferrante is production manager for BU Today, The Brink, and Bostonia, and produces BU Today’s award-winning, biweekly podcast Question of the Week. She is also a Metropolitan College MLA candidate in gastronomy, and can be reached at dferr@bu.edu. Profile

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There are 6 comments on When Will COVID End?

  1. For viruses like covid, epidemics typically do not end. The virus remains in circulation with or without vaccination because the viruses mutate rapidly and have an animal reservoir.

    The best strategy to eradicate the virus is to allow it rapidly sweep through the whole world. That would build the best possible natural immunity as quickly as possible to bring the reproduction rate of the virus to near zero.

    Even this strategy is likely to fail because of the high mutation rates and not super high rates of spread.

    So where does it leave us? To me the answer is cure rather than prevention. Prevention for a disease that has serious manifestation in the very few is an overkill. Treatment however already exists; it is the so called MATH+ protocols. So covid problem is solved in principle. In practice, it will continue to exist as long as people are allowed to transfer wealth to the very top without any accountability.

  2. Even as a vaccinated democrat who has jumped through all of the covid safety hoops, I haven’t fallen in love with my mask like many news articles describe. My job forces me to wear one 12+ hours a day even outside. I won’t be wearing a mask for the rest of my life when someone tells me to.
    It seems this burden has fallen mainly on those who aren’t in the work-from-home crowd. I hope that sometime this spring, the 3% of our population that are immunocompromised take responsibility for their own health and stay home when it’s too risky. As for the 10% with respiratory issues, it would be equally great to decide our own risk levels.
    I would rather take my chances than keep living like this.

  3. If you vote Democrat, the virus will continue for a very long time. Their two main issues, Covid and climate change, are perfect for fear because you cannot see them. However if they did not constantly fear monger them, you would be unaware of either

    1. You can’t see climate change? Really? You haven’t seen the fires in the west, the droughts, the hurricanes in the south that also cause flooding in the northeast? Turn on your television- even Fox covers these events. And no, they’re not “normal” > they’re extreme events caused at least in part by climate change

    2. Hi Janice,

      Got some links here for you to take a look at, and I encourage you to do even 5-seconds of research before you share ignorance like that in public forums.

      I’m sure you won’t read them, or you’ll say they are fake news, but I thought I’d give you the tools to educate yourself.

      Looking forward to hearing your response.

      Climate Change:







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