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There are 3 comments on What’s It Like Being Back on Campus? Opinions Vary

  1. Let’s pause for a second and think about what life was before covid. Going to school (or teaching) has always been accompanied to exposure to pathogens including respiratory viruses, lice, intestinal worms, hepatitis A, and a whole set of others. As far as know, an average person would get sick about once a year.

    Was that an optimal state of human society? Who knows… Maybe being sick once in a while is good for our immune system, maybe not.

    Could the infection rates be reduced? Maybe yes if sick people don’t show up to class (active disease is so much more transmissible than asymptomatic disease). Yet, maybe no, because everyone will eventually be exposed to the common strain of flue, RSV, covid, and it is just a matter of whether their immune system can keep the virus under control.

    While it is interesting to ponder how public health could be improved, it will take centuries of real experiments by honest scientist with willing human participants to figure this out. Meanwhile, it might be best to relax and live our lives as we used to. It was not that bad after all.

  2. I believe during this pandemic it is time for our society to unite over being safe, in whatever way that means for each individual. We all come with unique experiences allowing us opportunities for choice. Some of our perspectives come from our different vantage points of student-life, faculty/staff-life and leadership-life.

    I always say, there are no perfect answers to the dilemma we are facing in our country and world. For some people, it makes sense to be vaccinated. For others it does not. I don’t believe any of the choices are perfect; our technologically-advancing society is cognizant of many different angles by the pros and cons which are constantly changing, as is the viral strain! Additionally, we are dealing with a new disease occurring in pandemic proportions which we are all trying to do our best. Let’s not judge others, as you have not walked in their shoes.

    Instead, what can you do better for our world, today? We all walk together on this earth, which is certainly better than the alternative.

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