• Doug Most

    Associate Vice President, Executive Editor, Editorial Department Twitter Profile

    Doug Most is a lifelong journalist and author whose career has spanned newspapers and magazines up and down the East Coast, with stops in Washington, D.C., South Carolina, New Jersey, and Boston. He was named Journalist of the Year while at The Record in Bergen County, N.J., for his coverage of a tragic story about two teens charged with killing their newborn. After a stint at Boston Magazine, he worked for more than a decade at the Boston Globe in various roles, including magazine editor and deputy managing editor/special projects. His 2014 nonfiction book, The Race Underground, tells the story of the birth of subways in America and was made into a PBS/American Experience documentary. He has a BA in political communication from George Washington University. Profile

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There are 55 comments on Everything to Know about COVID and BU Campus Life

    1. It’s over, the fear mongering media has been instructed to change course. They are now onto the midterm election. We will look back at the pictures of solo drivers who are fully masked, forced experimental vaccines to children, and economic woes just to get DJT out of office.

  1. “Students in on-campus residential housing who have a private bedroom… will be expected to isolate in place at their residence and only leave for food and medical appointments.“

    Does this apply to students who live in a single in a suite? For example, if I live in a single bedroom in a suite with a shared bathroom in 1019 or Myles Standish or South Campus, would I isolate at home or not? Does “leaving for food” include accessing the dining hall?

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      Thank you for your question.

      Yes, students who live in a single, in a suite with an in-suite shared bathroom will be expected to isolate in place at their residence (e.g., 1019 Comm. Ave., Myles Standish Hall, 33 Agganis Way, Kilachand Hall, Bay State Road, South Campus, and Fenway CCSR, etc.)

      • Students on a meal plan who are quarantining or isolating in place will have access to GrubHub Campus Dining at 25+ retail dining locations on campus, including the GSU Food Hall, for food ordering and pick-up (GrubHub Campus Dining delivery is not available).
      o Students on a meal plan can also use GrubHub Campus Dining to order Late-Night Café dining options at West, Warren, and the Fenway Campus Center Dining Hall for pick up only at the entrance to the dining hall.
      o Rhetty To Go is also available for pick up only at three CRC dining halls (West Fresh Food Co., Warren Fresh Food Co., and Marciano Fresh Food Co.
      o The Fenway Campus Center Dining Hall will have a program similar to Rhetty To Go available for students isolating in place at the Fenway campus.
      o In addition to the Rhetty To Go menu options, students on a meal plan will be able to select a meal of the day from the dining hall menu (for take-out only) with their other Rhetty To Go items for pick up.

      1. My daughter just moved in at 8am on Friday, Jan 14th, 2022. She is a CGS student and first time to BU. She got tested early that morning and then was notified in the evening she was positive and had to go to isolation housing…..she was told she cannot get out until 9am Thursday morning. She got put in Fenway housing and now cannot get her books, go to orientation, or anything.

        My question is regarding this article. https://www.bu.edu/articles/2022/bu-spring-covid-protocols/

        It says the 5 days is based on the date of the test.

        Well she had her test early morning Jan 14th. So how do you figure she can’t go back until 9am on Jan 20th. That is 6 days not 5, what am I missing?

        1. For students who test positive, Day 0 is the positive test date or the day they get tested. Days 1-5 follow and then the student is cleared the morning of the 6th day to return to campus activity.

          We follow the same timeline as CDC and Mass Department of Public Health.

      2. Are those students allowed to purchase food at locations that accept dining points but don’t offer contactless pickup through GrubHub, namely City Convenience and Buick Street Market?

  2. Just a long list if ways BU shows how much they don’t care for their students. We’re in a surge of a pandemic but you want to stop contact tracing and the calls…? This is ridiculous. If you want everyone on campus to contract Covid, then BU you are doing a great job!

    1. You might need to widen your understanding of what BU is doing because in comparison to other schools, BU is doing a lot. My parents work at a college that will not require or provide: testing, masks, or vaccines/boosters. The fact that BU requires testing, masks, and vaccines/boosters, in addition to having a system in place for isolation shows me that they care about keeping students on campus. Could the university do more? probably… but honestly it’s doing much more than most colleges/universities across the US.

    2. I 100% agree with you. This is ridiculous. The fact that they aren’t even providing options for us is so insane. Everyone I know from BU is upset, me included.

  3. Panic-induced decisions once again..
    Requiring boosters for healthy 18-30 yr old students that may also had a prior infection on top of their 2-doses vaccination series makes no sense at all. We know that vaccines offer stellar protection against severe disease, but almost no protection when it comes to infection/transmission. What is the point to mandate boosters to those that are not in risk of severe disease then, when we also know that mRNA vaccines are associated with a low (but non-zero) risk of myocarditis for this exact population? What is the risk/benefit ratio that BU took into account when it mandated boosters for students? Other than to flatter the terrified hypocrites of academia?

  4. So are we going to address how uncomfortable some students and faculty are with this? Do any of our opinions matter? I’m TERRIFIED to go back to in person learning. I don’t understand why last year we were hybrid but this year with the increase we are in person. It makes no sense. The argument of “omicron isn’t as severe” is absolutely the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Though that’s true in most cases, there are still individuals with underlying health issues or just unlucky individuals who catch it and have severe symptoms. Hospitals are overflowing. Everyone is contracting the virus left and right. Yeah sure you might be safe, but what if the person you infect right next to you dies because the virus is affecting them differently? THIS IS INSANE.
    BU please, i’m begging you to provide options. Take some accountability. Our health and lives are in the hands of your choices. I think it would be much more fair if we were able to make choices for ourselves.

    1. I agree with you, Anna. For those with chronic underlying health conditions and those who are immuno-compromised, being required to work in person with colleagues who exhibit risky behaviors is very stressful.

      We have colleagues who congregate without masks, who insist on in-person meetings, who attend sporting events, weddings, big social gatherings, eat out at restaurants…and then say things like “I take lots of risks and haven’t caught the virus, so it really isn’t that bad”…

      Yes, they choose to behave that way. Can I choose to stay isolated, work remotely and protect my health? It doesn’t feel like it.

  5. We are so appalled by how small of a voice we have for our own health and safety. We can’t believe that BU is practically forcing us to be okay with contracting the virus. All of this just isn’t right at all. It would be greatly appreciated if BU could come up with some options for people, or honestly to just treat the pandemic and surge like an actual pandemic and surge. This is health and people’s lives on the line, it’s not “just a mild cold”.

    And if BU still refuses to see any other way, then we would love for BU to list out all the options we could have and WHY they wouldn’t work.

  6. Why will BU reevaluate their remote learning protocols on Feb 18? Why not just keep recorded lectures in place? There will be students and lecturers who test positive for COVID even after that arbitrary date, so why take away their only option for keeping up with class lectures? Moreover, recorded lectures are helpful in even in normal circumstances because students can review class materials at their own pace. It bewilders me that BU spent so much money installing LfA infrastructure, and it’s clearly still relevant, but they’re already abandoning it.

    Taking in-person classes is not the only way students are able to learn, so it’s pretty clear that BU is forcing students to be on campus in order to maximize the amount of money they get. It’s a bad look, especially when other schools in the area are going remote out of an abundance of caution. I wish that BU would put their students’ health first. I’m more nervous about being on campus this semester more than any during this pandemic.

      1. Students will still have badges that reflect testing status, even though the symptom attestation is no longer in place. A green badge indicates that a student has tested according to their cadence, which is twice weekly for undergraduates and once weekly for graduate students.

        1. While students will still have badges, it seems faculty/staff don’t have badges at all anymore. Our badges used to be generated by the daily symptom survey which is no longer required and not even available on the faculty/staff Healthway portal for us to fill out.

          Are faculty still instructed to require badges before allowing students to enter the classroom? For staff who are also students, it’s impossible for them to get a badge since they can’t use the student system/Patient Connect and now there’s no way to get a badge through the faculty/staff system.

          If a staff+student is barred from the classroom by an instructor demanding a badge, who should they contact to ensure they can access their class?

          1. Faculty/staff badges are no longer available as they only reference symptom status and not testing status. Student badges remain available and reflect testing status. Professors may request badges but are not required to do so. Any staff who are also taking classes should indicate this to their professor if questioned.

        2. I understand staff members (who often take classes) no longer have badges. I am not clear how this will affect their ability to take classes or access other BU facilities in the future.

          1. It seems to be that if you are asked for your badge by your professor, remind them that faculty/staff don’t have badges anymore. The professor should have also noticed this as they don’t have to submit the survey anymore/they can’t get a badge either.

            If the prof questions you, show them your BUID card that shows your primary affiliation is facult/staff.

            I don’t know if other facilities like FitRec and the dining halls will require badges except from students. Mugar has already stopped asking anyone to present a badge.

        3. Hi Judy!!

          Thanks for all the updates, but some need more clarification.

          Please clarify why a positive student/person will not be tested after 90 days?
          I have positive friends again after catching the virus in June of 2021. Then I will be in class with positive students because if we stop testing, how do we know that everyone is negative? It does not matter any more?
          Or all the information is based on AI?

          Thank you,

          1. Those who test positive will not be tested again for 90 days because after you have COVID, you develop antibodies that could result in a positive test result even if you are not actively infected anymore and not symptomatic. I can’t find a BU-specific page about this, but here are a few explanations from other institutions.

            You don’t get retested because they don’t want a false positive to occur that results in you being put back into quarantine even though you aren’t infected/contagious at the time.


  7. My son is a freshman at the Warren Towers dorm. Before he gets a negative result from the routine test, he is not allowed to the dining hall to get food which is included in the meal plan. Instead he has to buy from elsewhere and pay additional out of pocket even though his meal plan already covers every meal in the dining hall. I find this paying extra because he is waiting for the test result to be really unreasonable. Or is his understanding incorrect he can still get some food covered by meal plan somewhere?

    1. Your son is permitted to use the Dining Hall . The badge turns from yellow to green when they arrive for their test. Your student does not have to wait for the result for the badge color to turn. If the student is positive or should quarantine, Healthway changes the badge color and notifies them.

  8. Most of the universities in Boston are conducting classes online due to the spread of Omicron.Why are you risking student health why having classes on campus.Why dont you start offline classes once the Covind spread moderates.

    1. i don’t know about most. emerson started online last week but is in person this week. BC starts in person this week and their big news is a TEMPORARY mask mandate. this whole thing is frustrating but BU is hardly the most reckless institution going around this.

    1. I agree … I also don’t understand the university’s insistence that students and faculty follow its own position on a controversial (and non-reversible) health mandate.

      See, for example, the opinion of Paul Offit, a very well respected pediatrician specializing in infectious diseases and vaccines, described in the Atlantic:

      “Paul Offit, the director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, told me that getting boosted would not be worth the risk for the average healthy 17-year-old boy. Offit advised his own son, who is in his 20s, not to get a third dose.”


  9. So many fully vaccinated people still got Omicron. And still health experts only mention vaccination and masks.
    How about vitamins C, D, zinc, quercetin? When it comes to health, look at healthy people and follow what they do.

  10. I’m confused. What happened to LfA? If it was so successful that it was worth the same amount of money, why not switch back in the interest of students’ safety?

    1. Hello, Anonymous. Thank you for your question. Individuals who have tested positive within 90 days and are no longer part of the testing program are still eligible to pick up their masks. We are encouraging everyone to collect their masks when they arrive for their test, but an individual just needs to present their BUID cards to receive their allotted masks. We are using the Collection Sites and Kiosks for convenience but a test is not required for mask distribution.

  11. Mr. Most observes that the recent changes in the university’s COVID response might have left students, staff, and faculty wondering “What are the changes to protocols? What old rules are still in place?” and went on to suggest “If you’re feeling a little like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day when your morning alarm goes off, you’re forgiven.” Mr. Most might note that in Mr. Murray’s world every day begins the same way. No so on Commonwealth Avenue.

  12. What about the students who have only eLive courses that only going to show up once a month or not even that if they have to miss a in-person class? It makes no sense to require these students to test every week while some of them have to drive 3-4 hours to get on campus, especially when they don’t even go every month.

  13. Is Rhetty To Go dining hall pickup only available to those who have to self-isolate?
    I would rather not sit in the dining hall, especially when it gets super crowded.

  14. Could you please define “exposed to COVID confirmed case” and its quarantine rules properly? If I have been in contact with a COVID positive person but both of us were 6 feet apart and masked, does it still count as exposed to COVID confirmed case? It says above that I should only test after 5th day of exposure, if I don’t develop symptoms. What if I have false symptoms and get tested negative, will I be relaxed from 5 days quarantine rule?

    1. Exposures happen regularly but there are certain interactions that make transmission after that exposure more likely. Many of us have been exposed to someone who has COVID-19 whether we realize it or not. It is therefore important to monitor yourself for symptoms, wear a mask consistently, and get tested within 5 days after a known exposure.

      If you have a close contact exposure, typically defined as a 15 minute interaction within 6 feet (indoors) then you may need to quarantine depending on your booster status and whether or not you have symptoms. Please see the graphic here: http://www.bu.edu/back2bu/files/2022/01/COVID_CloseContactProtocol.pdf

  15. So according to the information here, faculty members “may,” if they so deign, choose to provide lecture recordings for students who have to isolate (but only for the next month), and no accommodations are required to be given for students who miss exams due to positive tests, imposing obvious academic consequences on students who have breakthrough infections, yet undergrads are expected to collect and submit their unsupervised tests on an honor system when the university provides clear incentive to avoid being detected as positive? Yikes.
    Furthermore, the steadfast commitment of the administration to keep undergraduates on campus, in close quarters, and (of course) paying room and board is downright insulting to the immense and life-dominating effort given by the testing, sequencing, data analysis, and public health policy workers and students, whose resources are cut and whose recommendations are ignored in favor of profit and optics. I witness their work on a daily basis with awe for their monumental workloads and frustration for the extent to which their work, the actual qualified scientists, is discarded as soon as it falls to support the policies most advantageous or appealing to the university. Do better, BU.

  16. It is insane that tenured science professors have become right wing activists refusing to wear masks and making fun of students and anybody around them who does.

    Why isn’t BU enforcing masking indoors and allowing these professors who are absolute bullies to make their own rules?

    My child has an underlying condition and they put his life in peril daily. For what? The professors are selfish, and the administration a joke. Where do you think you are, Florida? Texas? I expected better from BU. Very upsetting, and possibly illegal? You can’t wait a few more weeks to get past the surge and go virtual for a few weeks? Are you signing off on a few deaths as ok?

    I’d be happy to name names here but these bully professors are known for retribution. If the administration cares,
    Email me. Obviously I expect nothing. If the media is interested, definitely contact me.

  17. If a person that tested positive no longer has symptoms after five days, what is the process for returning to campus activities? How does their badge turn from red to green? Do they need to get permission from anyone after five days, or is it an honor system?

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