• Joel Brown

    Staff Writer

    Portrait of Joel Brown. An older white man with greying brown hair, beard, and mustache and wearing glasses, white collared shirt, and navy blue blazer, smiles and poses in front of a dark grey background.

    Joel Brown is a staff writer at BU Today and Bostonia magazine. He’s written more than 700 stories for the Boston Globe and has also written for the Boston Herald and the Greenfield Recorder. Profile

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There are 27 comments on The Lifelong Friendship behind Astonishing $100 Million Gift to BU’s Medical School

  1. Incredible news! Humbling to read the story of these wonderful men, and to fathom what it means to donate $100 million. A proud and happy day for BU, the School of Medicine, and BUMC.

  2. Aram –

    I am not sure what to say about this article…..I am sorry to hear of Jasmine’s passing………She was the most pleasant, engaging and and one of the most amazing persons I have ever met…..When she walked in a room….The room just lit up!……But you know this…….She would engage everyone she met…..and spoke with everyone at a very basic level……The world needs more Jasmines…The world would be a better place….

    God Bless the Chobanian family……

    Steve Ober BUSM 1986

  3. A wonderful and heartwarming story about generosity, friendship, and humility. Thank you Edward Avedisian and Aram V. Chobanian for reminding us of “old school” goodness.

  4. What an incredible example of friendship, legacy and the power of working “shoulder to shoulder!” Thank you Edward Avedisian and Dr. Aram V. Chobanian for your generosity and the gift of education in medicine and the arts.

  5. Brilliant! This endowment speaks to all that is great in life: love, friendship, family, and a commitment to future generations, and to academic medical research and education that will benefit public health. These two great, vibrant, yet humble and caring men are such a gift to us all, and most especially to Boston University and as memorial to Armenian people and those lost but have always been in the hearts of those who loved them. Now THAT is a miracle.

  6. What a joyous read! …During my 33 years as Piano Technician at School of Music 1986-2019 I would often be asked to tune and service the piano prior to a musical soirée event at the Presidents home featuring sometimes guest artists, faculty or Artist Diploma students . In the years of Dr.Chobanian’s tenure as President his wife Jasmine was always interested to hear not only about everything that was happening at CFA but also endearingly following updates of my growing family of three daughters , I treasure these shared recollections .

  7. The word philanthropy is often overused nowadays but this gift is truly philanthropic. The humility and humbleness of doing good, the sharing of values, and setting an example not only for existing BU students but many generations to come. An education at BU is more than just a degree. It’s what you plan to do after BU, for humanity.

    Proud to BU! ’99

  8. Thank you both
    Medical school is very expensive and the top schools are offering many scholarships so it is harder to compete for the best students
    I graduated from CLA but spent time at BU med library during under grad and after attending another med school
    I am glad money is also going to the college of fine arts which produces great musicians
    I used to sneak into CFA on my way from West campus to CLA and listen to students practicing

    Thanks again

  9. Positive changes start from positive ideas and one beautiful change is accomplished. Adding their names is not only important for Dr. Chobanian and Mr. Avedisian’s families, but also for us, Armenians living in and outside of the States and for us who graduated the BU…and for future graduates who has Armenian blood, And now on, all medical students are obliged to know how to pronounce those beautiful names:)

    Lots of LOVE and RESPECT ! “Us usi vor tanq, sarer shur ktanq”!

  10. Dear Aram and Ed
    It is a great day when two friends who grow up together support a friendship through doing good for an institution that does the same.
    You both have much to be proud of despite the humble character you have displayed.
    We are sorry to have missed your inaugural day but were in spirit all the way.
    I know Antranig Shahinian your cousin and Keran your brother are both beaming to see this day.
    With happiness for both your families we send our ❤️
    Long live the outcomes from this amazing donor and your friend.
    I end to say Aram and Ed you are both blessed.

  11. Super proud to be an Armenian-American BU alum! I was fortunate to grow up among men and women of Dr. Chobanian & Mr Avedesian’s ilk who prioritized hard work, education, community, and humility. As the first female on either side of my family to graduate from a 4-year college, I hope I have absorbed their lessons and can lead by example for younger generations.

  12. Dr. Chobanian was a great BUSM dean. The generous, stunning donation can be put to great use; and it’s great to honor friendship. But as in my letter to the Boston Globe [link below], I wish the names (whether long or short) had been put on 1, 2, 3 or more buildings, hallways, or classrooms, not the main school name. I’ve heard the same from other saddened alumni across our land.
    In the early 90’s, big business swooped in and violated the purity of our noble profession, all for money. Healthcare has gone from being a profession to an industry. Money.
    I know this is the trend with other institutions and sports arenas; I want medicine to remain pure in management AND messaging. There’s something to be said about purity and tradition.
    I’m a “double Terrier.” My school pride of BUSM remains. I honor tradition and what “BUSM” represents. I graduated from “Boston University School of Medicine”…period. Boston Globe letter: https://www.bostonglobe.com/2022/10/07/opinion/thanks-donation-bu-med-school-did-it-have-come-with-name-change/

  13. I was an internal medicine resident at Mass Memorial Hospital (the precursor to Boston University Medical Center) from 1959-61 and Aram Chobanian had been Chief Resident the year before I arrived. He was an outstanding attending physician while I was there and has done wonders as a leader in treating hypertension since then. The note stating he joined the staff in 1962 is 3 years later than my recollection. Please check with Aram.

    This gift should catapult the medical school to the upper tier of schools.

    Congratulations to Aram, Edward and BU.

  14. Continuing the Education to find the Cures and Prevent the Disease Cycle
    is a GIFT! I pray that the REDOX Studies will continue at Boston University.
    I am a FIRM Believer that Redox Biology is the Missing Piece to the Communication within Cellular Health. I suffered a spinal Injury in 1980 playing sports at BU.

  15. Congratulations Ed for a life well lived. What a marvelous story of giving back to your community and your heritage. I am proud of you, and proud to be Armenian. You may remember we went to NEC together and you and Craig Watjen were avid Model A Ford devotees, (as was I in high school). We made music together in the ’60’s and, I think, did a few gigs together. All the best !!

  16. Aram and Jasmine were both wonderful people. I served as Director of the School of Visual Arts under Walt Meissner and Aram and respected greatly how in the the troubled times at BU were ad interim almost everything, he led with skill. We all pulled together under Aram’s leadership. He was brilliant, kind and sensitive to the needs of BU. Jasmine loved the arts and we raised some funds for a new lecture space under her direction. She was also the first President’s wife to invite our art students to exhibit in the residence. As an Emerita Associate Professor, I can say I always admired both of them and their mutual commitment to BU , the College of Fine Arts and the well-being and future of BU. WE were very lucky to have had them.

  17. It’s wonderful to hear about the positive experiences you had with Aram and Jasmine. They both sound like remarkable individuals who made significant contributions to the School of Visual Arts and Boston University as a whole. Aram’s skillful leadership during troubled times and his ability to bring people together is commendable. It’s evident that he was highly respected and admired for his brilliance, kindness, and sensitivity to the needs of BU.

    Jasmine’s passion for the arts and her efforts in raising funds for a new lecture space demonstrate her commitment to promoting artistic endeavors within the university. Her inclusive approach, inviting art students to exhibit in the residence, shows her dedication to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for artists.

    It’s clear that both Aram and Jasmine played instrumental roles in the development and well-being of BU, the College of Fine Arts, and its students. As an Emerita Associate Professor, your admiration for their commitment to BU and their lasting impact on its future speaks volumes about their influence and the positive experiences they created for the community. It seems that BU was fortunate to have had them as leaders. https://www.bike-ev.com/

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