• Marc Chalufour

    Editor, Senior Writer

    Photo: Headshot of Marc Chalufour. A white man with brown hair and wearing a red and blue plaid shirt, smiles and poses in front of a dark grey background.

    Marc Chalufour is a senior editor/writer responsible for print and digital magazines for the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Communication. Prior to joining BU in 2018, he spent a decade editing AMC Outdoors, the Appalachian Mountain Club’s magazine, where his feature writing received multiple awards from Association Media & Publishing. Profile

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There are 2 comments on The Battle for Reproductive Rights

  1. My parents were married in 1938. My grandfather died of a heart attack in 1935, after borrowing against his life insurance to play the stock market. My 20-year-old father was left with a mother, grandmother & younger brother, (all of whom had never worked) to support. My parents dated for 5 years to afford marriage in 1938 & had to move into my father’s household as newlyweds. My grandmother took my mother to her doctor for a diaphragm (in NY). I was born in 1943 because my father was in the Marine Corps in WWII & he survived Iwo Jima. That is called “Planned Parenthood”.
    In 1955 my 2nd brother was born. My Mom was 42. She went to her doctor to see if science had developed more modern modes of birth control. It was against the law in CT for the doctor to give her birth control information. In 1965 I graduated from college in Massachusetts & Bill Baird was being arrested in Boston for handing out birth control information. I will happily pay taxes to provide information on family planning, pregnancy tests & sexual safety. I Will not pay for someone’s hook-up results. Shouting about RIGHTS does not absolve a citizen from his or her RESPONSIBILITIES.
    Ask the Pope to reverse the papal en cycle from 1930 making birth control a sin.

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