• Andrew Thurston

    Editor, The Brink Twitter Profile

    Photo of Andrew Thurston, a white man with black glasses. He smiles and wears a maroon polo shirt.

    Andrew Thurston is originally from England, but has grown to appreciate the serial comma and the Red Sox, while keeping his accent (mostly) and love of West Ham United. He joined BU in 2007, and is the editor of the University’s research news site, The Brink; he was formerly director of alumni publications. Before joining BU, he edited consumer and business magazines, including for corporations, nonprofits, and the UK government. His work has won awards from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, the In-House Agency Forum, Folio:, and the British Association of Communicators in Business. Andrew has a bachelor’s degree in English and related literature from the University of York. Profile

  • Jackie Ricciardi

    Staff photojournalist

    Portrait of Jackie Ricciardi

    Jackie Ricciardi is a staff photojournalist at BU Today and Bostonia magazine. She has worked as a staff photographer at newspapers that include the Augusta Chronicle in Augusta, Ga., and at Seacoast Media Group in Portsmouth, N.H., where she was twice named New Hampshire Press Photographer of the Year. Profile

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There are 7 comments on Can WhatsApp Messages Be Secure and Encrypted—but Traceable at the Same Time?

  1. I haven’t looked at the tool, but on the face of it this seems like an astoundingly bad idea. The entire point of privacy is just that: The conversation is private. Adding ‘accountability’ in the form of hidden tokens that allow a conversation to be traced means that the conversation is no longer private.

    To answer the author: “There’s a question of can we build this, there’s also a question of should we build this?”

    Resoundingly, “NO.”

    1. The idea of making WhatsApp messages both secure and encrypted while also being traceable is complex. WhatsApp currently uses end-to-end encryption, which ensures that only the sender and recipient can read the messages. This encryption is crucial for privacy and security, making it nearly impossible for anyone, including WhatsApp, to access the content of the messages.

      However, introducing traceability could undermine this encryption. For messages to be traceable, some form of logging or tracking would be necessary, which could potentially expose messages to third parties. This would likely require weakening the encryption or adding backdoors, which could be exploited by malicious actors.

      While it’s technically possible to create a system that tracks messages while maintaining a level of security, it would come with significant trade-offs. The balance between security, privacy, and traceability is a delicate one. For users who value their privacy, tools like Yo WhatsApp provide enhanced security features, ensuring that their messages remain private and secure without the risks associated with traceability.

  2. Where did I hear that similarly bad ideas already, let me think….hmmm, antivirus software? Chinese sponsored VPNs? Isn’t one of your sponsors CIA? Just a reminder, providing that the moderator is not the agent in the first place, once the moderator has the sender’s token, the moderator WILL BE forced under the disguise of the law to avail it to the enforcement agencies of any authoritarian countries, read all of the countries nowadays. Duh! What a bummer!

  3. Will a user of WhatsApp or Telegram of other similar private messagining programs be told if Hecate or something like it is used on or attached to their programs so the user can decide whether to use their no longer private messaging software? If not, won’t the providers of the not so private messaging software be liable for not delivering the promised privacy?

  4. I put zero privacy trust in anything related to WhatsApp. I use the messenger from Utopia p2p ecosystem which is totally privest. It provides full security & very easy to use.

  5. While i agree privacy is a major factor here, but accountability is also another factor that people should oblige to. P2P encryption creates a visibility gap in any network. Without being able to inspect the traffic there can be incidents like sensitive information theft by internal actors or phishing attempts or cyber bullying through such channels. An encrypted channel with no visibility means even bad stuff go undetected like malwares.

  6. What an intriguing read! Mayank Varia and the team’s work on Hecate is truly groundbreaking. The delicate balance between privacy and accountability is a challenge we often overlook in the digital age, and it’s refreshing to see innovative solutions like asymmetric message franking being explored.

    The idea of allowing users to maintain deniability while still holding them accountable for abusive content is a game-changer. The parallels drawn between messaging apps and real-life conversations, where every word isn’t archived, add an extra layer of relatability to the discussion.

    Moreover, the broader applications of Hecate, from closing the gender wage gap to aiding survivors of sexual abuse, showcase the transformative potential of responsible technology. It’s heartening to see a researcher like Mayank Varia not only pushing the boundaries of encryption but also considering the societal implications of his work.

    The emphasis on a thoughtful, community-oriented approach in developing such tools resonates well with the current discourse on digital civil liberties. Looking forward to seeing how Hecate evolves and its potential impact on enhancing online trust and safety.

    Kudos to Mayank Varia and the entire team for their dedication to building tools that align with both personal privacy and human rights!

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