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There are 18 comments on Disappointed and Determined, BU Community Reacts to SCOTUS Affirmative Action Ruling

  1. It’s interesting that you note that “Polling on the issue has generally found more Americans prefer that race or gender should not be included in determining admissions”, and yet all but one of your quotes seems to be viscerally against the SCOTUS decision.

    Clearly, BU does not, in any way, represent the full diversity of the American public.

      1. There is a large difference between “the full diversity of the American public” and diversity of “opinion” as cited in the first reply to this point. But leaving that aside for the moment, to some degree of course faculty at any University (including BU) certainly do not represent “the full diversity of the American public”; this is rather easily explained by U.S. census data (pasted below) and noting that faculty in American academia tend to have advanced degrees in part because their employers tend to require them. So with regard to the initial post, it’s just statistics. With respect to the point in the first reply, this is more complicated and best I know is not addressed by census data.

        In 2021, the highest level of education of the population age 25 and older in the United States was distributed as follows:
        8.9% had less than a high school diploma or equivalent.
        27.9% had high school graduate as their highest level of school completed.
        14.9% had completed some college but not a degree.
        10.5% had an associate degree as their highest level of school completed.
        23.5% had a bachelor’s degree as their highest degree.
        14.4% had completed an advanced degree such as a master’s degree, professional degree or doctoral degree.

  2. I will take equality of opportunity over equity of outcome. A more perfect union, indeed and in comparison. Yet there is work to do as long as humans are cursed/blessed with reason.

  3. Article claims to describe how the “BU community” feels about affirmative action. Really? Responsible journalism would state the fact that that is the view of the BU woke community. I’m sure there are thousands of students who oppose favoring one race over another.

  4. Notice that none of the faculty or staff is speaking up on the side against AA. The career cost of going against the DEI narrative (such as merely observing the racial and nationality disparity in test scores even after normalizing for income). I have seen this tacit strong-arming of even tenured faculty.

    Students, on the other hand, are more risk-prone and have less to lose. Of course they’ll be more vocal on the empirical side of the issue.

  5. As a BU alumni (SPH ‘97), I was very encouraged to hear that you will maintain and hopefully enrich your policy of diversity in student enrollment . It is particularly important to support enrollment among students in underserved communities

  6. It is absolutely wonderful that the race base discrimination policy known as affirmative action was ruled unconstitutional. It’s disgusting to see so many on the left come out to say that they will affirm new race based forms of discrimination after their previous scheme was ruled unconstitutional. Members of the left, please tell us why you hate asians so much, and why you continue to try to codify your racism…

    Some of us would like a color-blind society, while the left only cares about the skin color of applicants. Racism is alive and well, and it’s propagated through policy by the left.

  7. Consider this. Is it not hypocritical for White and Asian faculty members and students – who already have got their tenure appointment or admission letter – to sacrifice other White and Asian persons on the altar of diversity? I am curious as to why these particular Whites and Asians have the golden ticket, but other fully-qualified Whites and Asians must give up their opportunity for the “greater good” of diversity and inclusion.

    Were these particular individuals just “lucky”?

    Who gets to decide which Whites and Asians are so special that they are “above diversity”?

    If you truly believe that Whites and Asians have been over-privileged and need to allow other races to step up… why not set the example yourself?

    Shouldn’t you practice what you preach?

    Where is my logic faulty?

  8. Really disappointed. In a perfect world, of course I would wish for every race to be represented equally in a college institution, without any particular race being underrepresented. Affirmative action undoubtedly promotes diversity and offers opportunities to those who have historically faced disadvantages. However, are we prioritizing diversity, which individuals have no control over, over hard work and meritocracy?If a person’s race at birth determines whether they must work two times harder than someone of another race, is that truly the foundation of an equal and just society? Not only does affirmative action hurt white and asian students, it could also hurt underrepresented groups. No one wants to question or be seen as primarily admitted based on their race or ethnicity rather than their abilities. It is ironic that our school prides itself on progressiveness against racism and discrimination, yet we are actively discriminating against certain groups based on the color of their skin, taking away their spots in favor of someone else due to their race. This issue extends beyond college admissions; it permeates every aspect of society. The moment we prioritize race over merit, we undermine the principles of fairness and equality that our society strives to uphold. Of course there is that socioeconomic status factor that should be taken into consideration as well, and the government should focus on providing support and resources to underprivileged students, and improving access to quality education. But that is something that isn’t completely in our control. While we can advocate for equitable policies and support initiatives to address socioeconomic disparities, the reality is that systemic issues are deeply ingrained in our society. The same applies to legacy admits and the illegal practice of students buying their way into college. I am specifically directing my attention to the effects of affirmative action (AA) in light of the recent Supreme Court ruling.

  9. The professional workforce needs diversity at the college educated level.
    I am a software engineer at a major consumer product company. I interview and hire engineers. I love the diversity of my coworkers! Our company puts considerable effort into hiring diversity, but it’s very hard to hire software engineers who don’t have a college education. Because I want a diverse workforce, I need the college population to be diverse.

    The success of my company relies on hiring lots of different kinds of people.
    Employees act as the voice of customers while we’re developing a product. In order to build the most functional and appealing anything, we must employ people of different body shapes, socioeconomic power, disabilities, hobbies, and languages. We should hire parents, singles, youth, elders, paraplegics, Asians, Africans, Americans, Germans, New Zealanders, tennis players, rock climbers, golfers, rich, poor, rural and urban dwellers. Diversity of the workforce isn’t for show – it’s practical. While a racially diverse population doesn’t guarantee this diversity of experiences, it certainly helps!

    I’m disappointed by SCOTUS’s regressive decision.
    I think it hurts our society. I encourage BU to find creative solutions to continue to build a diverse campus, despite this decision. I’m worried that now only resourceful, well-coached applicants will know to mention diversity in their application essays. Admissions should strive to add legally-allowed, useful questions to the application that achieve the goal of building a diverse community of learners and teachers. Please continue to recruit from a wide variety of sources. Please hire staff and faculty from a diverse set of backgrounds.

    1. The particular activity in question at Harvard involves making it *much* harder for Asian Americans to be admitted into the university.

      Do you think it is moral for a software companies to limit how many Asian Americans they hire, in the name of diversity? Is it fair to punish an innocent, hard-working Asian immigrant for the racism practiced by people that had absolutely no connection to with him some 100 years ago in this country?

      1. Exactly! I agree with you and the Supreme Court. Colleges should accept students based on their ability rather than on their race. There shouldn’t be quotas on specific races to be admitted. For example, if one group of people outperforms most people, they should be all admitted regardless of their race quota. They shouldn’t be rejected because there is a limit to a specific group of people colleges can accept. This is actually fair. For example, think about a soccer team. Should they care about the race of the players? No, the team only cares about your ability that will contribute to the team, not because of the race quota they have to have a specific group of people on the team. Otherwise, why would they work hard for something if their hard work does not pay off because there is a limit to the number of specific groups of people?

  10. “Disappointed” in the affirmative action ruling? Who wrote this? This is probably one of the greatest, and long time in coming, decisions. Affirmative action should have been buried before it became an actual “thing.” It is one of the most racist ideas ever contrived by law.

    Oh, please be sure to judge people by the color of their skin. Isn’t this the very definition of racism? As a graduate, I am heartily pleased by this decision. Affirmative action = racism. Good riddance.

  11. “Disappointed” you say? Try elated. Racism has no place in admission standards or anywhere else for this matter. The whole conception and application of Affirmative Action is perhaps the grossest damage the “woke” has ever inflicted.

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