• Devin Hahn

    Senior Video Producer

    Devin Hahn

    Devin Hahn creates video content for BU Today, Bostonia online, and The Brink. He is a producer, a cameraman, an editor, and, under duress, a writer. Profile

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There are 2 comments on Video: How Will Generative AI Impact My Field of Study?

  1. Nice Video! Generative AI will revolutionize my field by enhancing creativity, automating tasks, and enabling breakthroughs in data analysis, transforming the way we approach research and problem-solving.

  2. Thank you Boston University for this AI background picture and other AI related pictures, they are beautiful for my school masters program Seminar course presentation.

    I also enjoyed this your video on generative AI.

    This is Seth Chimezie from Abuja FCT, Nigeria.

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