• Molly Callahan

    Senior Writer

    Photo: Headshot of Molly Callahan. A white woman with short, curly brown hair, wearing glasses and a blue sweater, smiles and poses in front of a dark grey backdrop.

    Molly Callahan began her career at a small, family-owned newspaper where the newsroom housed computers that used floppy disks. Since then, her work has been picked up by the Associated Press and recognized by the Connecticut chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists. In 2016, she moved into a communications role at Northeastern University as part of its News@Northeastern reporting team. When she's not writing, Molly can be found rock climbing, biking around the city, or hanging out with her fiancée, Morgan, and their cat, Junie B. Jones. Profile

  • Cydney Scott


    cydney scott

    Cydney Scott has been a professional photographer since graduating from the Ohio University VisCom program in 1998. She spent 10 years shooting for newspapers, first in upstate New York, then Palm Beach County, Fla., before moving back to her home city of Boston and joining BU Photography. Profile

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There are 20 comments on Joan Donovan, Nationally Recognized Expert in Misinformation and Disinformation, Joins BU Faculty

  1. Given that governments are known to be the largest and most destructive disseminators of disinformation – it is good to hear about Dr. Donovan’s focus and empirical work on political disinformation – complementing the more heavily quantitative work of Dr. Wells.

    In Dr. Donovan’s November 2020 PolicyCast, she associated the Hunter Biden laptop with tradecraft (espionage methods) – which seemed to be designed to be interesting or provocative – hopefully, not politically motivated.

    To achieve the goal “to be helpful within and beyond the university”, it is imperative that BU’s disinformation and related work remain void of political party bias.

  2. Given that governments are known to be the largest and most destructive disseminators of disinformation – it is good to hear about Dr. Donovan’s focus and empirical work on political disinformation – complementing the more heavily quantitative work of Dr. Wells. Buy Google Reviews

  3. BU is changing …Dr. Donovan’s CVs and departure from Harvard are interesting… and show that this appointment of a champion for a Ministry of Truth perhaps fits nicely with Dr. Kendi’s proposed Department of Antiracism. Interesting indeed.

      1. I used to donate regularly. I also stopped because of this kind of initiative. BU has hitched its wagon to totalitarian technocracy. It’s terrible to watch.

    1. As a society, we’ve now broken the safety glass .. when RULES are not applied equally and evenly, they quickly and obviously become DOUBLE STANDARDS .. sadly, the rubicon has been crossed and there’s not likely to be any turning back.

  4. Dr. Donovan will “help guide the public conversation” and teach our students. That’s just another way of keeping information OUT of mainstream media discourse to shape a false narrative. Was Dr. Donovan involves with the so-called journalism over the four year presidency of Donald Trump and during the presidential campaign of 2020? How much since proven misinformation and disinformation was spread by our failed journalists? Boston University students should beware when anyone “guides” them down any way to process information. Think for yourself, that’s what colleges should teach.

    1. People like Dr. Donovan likely teach exactly that, how to “think for yourself,” but in a way that helps them understand when they are being misled by false information, regardless of political viewpoint. Teaching critical thinking is an important part of education and every student (and every person) could benefit from improving their critical thinking skills. Often times people misled by disinformation have conflated “doing your own research” with blindly believing what is being told to them by a political or media figure that they like. I welcome Dr. Donovan to BU and look forward to seeing what Dr. Donovan does here.

      1. After researching Dr. Donovan’s record and reading more about her departure from Harvard, I am not sure that her current record is indicative of being bipartisan and independent. There is some interesting information there, but maybe it is all disinformation.

  5. This is scary for me to hear. I am not sure exactly what a Disinformation Expert researches and wonder who will be checking the information to be provided by this Misinformation Expert. If the purpose is to investigate either political party this “expert” better not have strong political ties to the Left or Right.

    1. I’m not a wealthy person, but I promise to increase my giving in a small attempt to compensate for those who are displeased with what I believe are valiant steps towards openness on the University’s part. It may be uncomfortable to be asked to challenge the ways in which we take in and process information, but in a world with a tsunami of messages, it’s what we must learn to do. I look forward to seeing her work.

  6. I found that a lot of “disinformation” actually ended up being the truth. Hopefully, the information is not politically biased but chances are, she’ll be trying to prove the right side wrong and the left side right. Just a hunch.

  7. Congratulations Dr. Joan Donavan on your Boston University post!! Not long ago I read a great article about you and your diligent good work posted in the Harvard Magazine …and was impressed by your investigative curiosity and steadfast determination to tackle unlawful on line misinformation. Your important work is much appreciated and certainly, your students will have an exciting course experience given your vast background in internet detective work !
    Thank you & best wishes! Nava S. Ervin BS 85

  8. If there is one thing that the past two+ years have shown, it’s that true, unbiased journalism has, for the most part, breathed its last. A University’s raison d’être contains many moving parts, one of the most important being teaching students how to think for themselves in critically assessing information, be it good, bad or otherwise. To think that the School of Communication needed to hire a “guide” to lead its students by the hand, borders on the absurd. Does BU not have enough confidence that its students are smart enough to think for themselves (and at $63,000+/year-just for tuition)? This is yet another example of the “woke” agenda that seems to have found a home at BU.

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