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There are 2 comments on POV: International Reaction to Gaza Siege Has Exposed the Growing Rift between the West and the Global South

  1. Thanks very much for this clear-headed, informative and necessary account. It would be well for us all to finally pay attention to these voices from the Global South.

  2. Thank you very much for this important article. As a graduate of BU with a degree in International Relations I have never been more dissatisfied with Politics. I do not believe that the rules based order espoused by the United States (U.S.) is fair, and I abhor America’s shift from being a champion of the world’s economic growth, to promulgating laws (through sanctions and the like) that hinder the integration of economies and force stagnation on nations where we have little sway, or can reap economic reward. Hence, I welcome multilateralism, and I have become more a champion of Global business interests, more than I consciously support narrow Political interests. I believe those who work to foster business have the best chance to make the world a peaceful and prosperous place for all.

    Quite frankly, Western Politicians need to get off their laurels and work to understand the tectonic shifts occurring in minds through WEST ASIA; through political and economic integration with BRICS+, EAEU, SCO etc. The world of today, is far from that of post World War II when the United States was the dominant force rising from ashes and ruins. Then, the U.S. could dictate everything. The 21st Century is time for nations to compete through technological innovation and the like or they will be left behind. Yet, American Politicians seem locked in the politics of the past: We tell you what is good for you!

    No amount of political machinations will stop the rise of the erstwhile. Professor Heine mentioned Westerners reluctance to use the term Global South. Similarly, Westerners hang on to the term “the Middle East” for dear life. Anyone curious enough to read more than “our publications” would note that the people of that region now refer themselves to being part of WEST ASIA, and China’s road and belt infrastructure will draw them even tighter together. Fostering goodwill is what American politicians need to be doing now, not creating enmity. Through goodwill, America’s might is lasting — a Beacon for all. Our technologies must remain accessible to everyone so that every where and everyone progress through the goodwill of the American brands. Restricting our brand to those we love is foolish. That is denying ourselves from the vast populations of the world that will be catered to by open competitors.

    In summary, I believe that Western Politicians are hardly doing a great job of making the world a peaceful and prosperous place. To me, they are more intent on maintaining power and control even if it means that the world will be held back in the process. Notwithstanding, new nations and their institutions are rising to challenge Western dominance and they will take firm root. Some people might hate that idea but some of America’s power will be usurped. In that future, I am inspired that some of our students at Pardee shall be there among the competition accepting the challenge to fulfill that noble aspiration of Pardee “to make the world a better place” for everyone!

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