• Joel Brown

    Staff Writer

    Portrait of Joel Brown. An older white man with greying brown hair, beard, and mustache and wearing glasses, white collared shirt, and navy blue blazer, smiles and poses in front of a dark grey background.

    Joel Brown is a staff writer at BU Today and Bostonia magazine. He’s written more than 700 stories for the Boston Globe and has also written for the Boston Herald and the Greenfield Recorder. Profile

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There are 7 comments on The Pandemic Changed How We Eat, Travel, Tip. Now Things Are Changing Again

  1. Just to be clear, it wasn’t COVID so much as our overreaction to COVID that caused many of these changes. Rather than keeping the public calm and rational, public health officials stoked fear with wild modeling and unsubstantiated doomsday predictions, supported by media-hungry doctors and scientists eager to support the narrative.

    At the end of the day, we did much of this to ourselves.

      1. Doug, this is a disingenuous argument.

        A precautionary reaction to COVID was appropriate and proper.

        Our overreaction to COVID appears to have led to a sharp increase in depression and suicides, especially among age groups that were least susceptible to COVID, while still not preventing the 6.9 million deaths you note.

        1. Is it also possible that our reaction was appropriate and necessary given the complete uncertainty of a new and deadly virus? Hindsight is easy. Anybody can play Monday Morning Quarterback and question decisions long after the fact. But in the moment, when nobody knows anything about the virus, caution was critical. And if we had reacted as you suggest, perhaps the 6.9 million deaths would have been 10 million instead?

    1. Ari – I am here to support Doug’s comment. My father died of COVID, and I can tell you first-hand that there wasn’t an “overreaction”. For you to insinuate that he “did this to himself” is both hurtful and ridiculous. I am tired of your comments that focus on whataboutism instead of actually reading the content in front of you. Take a moment to learn and absorb before you jump to defend whatever take you’re peddling at the moment.

  2. After reading this article, I learned about some of the pandemic’s lasting impacts on the hospitality industry, and it got me thinking. I took one hospitality class during the pandemic and attended some lectures discussing some shocks brought to the industry. Some owners talked about how tough things were—they had to shut down and lay off their staff. It was tough, and everyone was just trying to figure out how to cope.
    It is great to learn some updated information and see how the industry has bounced back and even innovated. Personally, I think the pandemic has had some positive effects on both consumers and businesses. The most apparent advantage brought to me is the food delivery counter in China. After the pandemic, contactless services have become more popular and essential for public health services. Correspondingly, the food delivery counter has become more prevalent in China. Drivers can just put it on the counter, and consumers can pick up their meal after entering the PIN code. For me, it’s super convenient and safe, and you don’t have to worry about grabbing the wrong order. Nowadays, the food counter is common in China, which I think is the benefit of the pandemic. Moreover, the popularity of online ordering systems has significantly enhanced dining experiences. Before visiting a restaurant, I can now check for available seating and even join a queue virtually, saving substantial time and effort. Almost all restaurants have had such service since the pandemic. This shift benefits customers and offers advantages to entrepreneurs who have embraced new technologies. Based on my previous research, many restaurants in China have leveraged online platforms to gather data and forecast customer traffic, allowing for more strategic staffing and operational efficiencies. Overall, the pandemic brought convenience to the whole industry, even though it was a tough time for many restaurant owners.

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