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There are 2 comments on What Did You Miss Most in the Weird Winter? Snow Days, Warm Foods, Complaining, Fires, Winter Runs, and More

  1. I love the comments and reflections, especially the memories of cold winters. Growing up in Northeast Ohio until I moved to Louisiana at 24, the memories shared here truly warm my heart. Snow days, making igloos, the glistening icicles, and feeling like my jaw has frozen shut on below zero mornings walking across campus were winter’s rites of passage. Thank you all for sharing!

    Climate change is real; I see the effects of it in various ways here in New Orleans. That said, I would not presume that one mild Boston winter is the beginning of the end. If the winter of ’23-’24 brings record snowfall, then I doubt many people will be thinking of climate change. That said, may we all continue to work to make our planet as green as possible.

  2. My kids were so bummed they only got to go sledding twice this year. Will they get to go at all next year? Of course, a 50-degree day in February feels weird, but I can live with it. What I’m really concerned about is when it’s 120 degrees in July. Or September. Can we come together to dismantle the fossil fuel industrial complex before that becomes the norm?

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