• Sarah Sherman-Stokes

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There are 4 comments on POV: What’s Next for Massachusetts’ Right to Shelter Law?

  1. Your article beautifully captures the poignant reality of recently arrived migrant families in Massachusetts. It’s disheartening to see families, eager to contribute and find stability, facing challenges due to the imposed cap on the ‘right to shelter law.’ As temperatures drop, the urgency for swift action and collaboration between state leaders, federal support, and USCIS becomes a lifeline for these families desperately seeking refuge…. Let’s hope our community values shine through in prioritizing their well-being.

  2. How about stopping the flow of illegal aliens and taking care of US citizens and legally admitted immigrants who were, for years, navigating the legal system to be lawfully admitted to the country?
    As a former immigrant and refugee, I am happy to support spending our taxpayer money on the latter.

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